Miranda has a lovely summer, some of it spent at Karen's and some in Italy and some at home.
She shows up with Karen at the train platform and they look for Minor.
An hour or so later Fredrick finds him there.
He's had several more drinks; he's not quite walking in a straight line. "Got her home safe -"
"Know what? That I dragged my date off and Stunned her, I've never done that before -"
"You're underage and you're drunk -" he trails off because Fredrick is beaming at him.
"You poor fucking idiot," he says, and hugs him. "You silly - ridiculous - your father's common sense -"
- and now he knows what Jocosa felt, earlier, what she'd wanted from him, what she'd thought he might be feeling -
(You shouldn't repress it, a voice says gently, and the voice wants Timothy to nod so Timothy nods, you'll twist yourself all up in knots. Find pretty Muggles, make them forget it - and he wants Timothy to nod again but Timothy's head is suddenly not a peaceful happy place at all -
- do you do that? he'd said once he could speak again -
- hmmm? No, I do this - why -)
"Drunk," he says, "and underage -"
"To make sure you're okay. And your date. And to make sure you knew, you know, that you can have me in the meantime -"