Miranda has a lovely summer, some of it spent at Karen's and some in Italy and some at home.
She shows up with Karen at the train platform and they look for Minor.
Miranda has a lovely summer, some of it spent at Karen's and some in Italy and some at home.
She shows up with Karen at the train platform and they look for Minor.
"Well, his exact nuance on it isn't common but there's people who'll hate you all over. This is the worst house for it, though, you can more or less argue with most Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs less often get mean about it and the Gryffindors - well, I don't know, maybe Gryffindors are as bad but they don't have the reputation."
"Other Slytherin Muggleborns? Honestly that's not something most of 'em would say, if I know of any it's privileged information. You got unlucky to have it undeniable before you knew anybody. If I knew any other Slytherin Muggleborns would you want me to tell them to say hi to you?"
"If your roommates have it in for you, possibly, but don't be paranoid in excess of what you actually need, waste of energy."
She finds Miranda with a list of questions a few days later. What are house-elves, what's a good thing to read to know all the important families, what's something written with simple words that explains dark magic and what it can do and why people whisper about it, what's wrong with her Wingardium Leviosa...
House-elves are a species of magic slaves, they like it that way it's weird if she promises to respect that Miranda will tell her how to get into the kitchens. Bloodlines and Origins is pretty readable and you can also assume any two purebloods whose families have been in Britain long enough (so, not Miranda, not the handful of kids from India) are related and ask them how as small talk. Dark magic is magic that requires evil intent and there's not really any simple books on it but here's the rundown of the unforgivables. She's swishing wrong, borrow this demonstrative stick.
"The Imperius is insanely illegal and practically nobody learns it, let alone casts it, anyway. If you're worried about it I have a way to tell if you're under it or not and I can check you now and then, but I doubt Black can cast it and if he can I doubt he'd escalate like that with you."
Well, that's - navigable. Miranda can heal well enough to save her trips to the hospital wing over minor blunt force trauma.