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Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
A tiefling and an Anarchist walk into a bar

The Styx Oarsman is not traditionally welcoming to humans. But Jarkman recognizes this Leaguer by now, and he only makes one crack about how she owes him a new pack of cigars before letting her pass.

The faint candlelight isn't much help to someone of her pedigree, but no one comes to this tavern to admire the view.

The barman greets her with the usual grunt, and everyone returns to their conversations. Humans may be uncommon around here, but business is business.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Status
Version: 3
Fields Changed Character, character alias
A tiefling and an Anarchist walk into a bar

The Styx Oarsman is not traditionally welcoming to humans. But Jarkman recognizes this Leaguer by now, and he only makes one crack about how she owes him a new pack of cigars before letting her pass.

The faint candlelight isn't much help to someone of her pedigree, but no one comes to this tavern to admire the view.

The barman greets her with the usual grunt, and everyone returns to their conversations. Humans may be uncommon around here, but business is business.