Lissa's encountered mals before, by now. She's learned a few spells to deal with them, but most of the time she prefers to distract and run. However, the mal that comes charging at her as she and a group of other students leave their classroom doesn't look like the type a few illusions will distract, or that her actual damaging spells can handle. She immediately does what most wizard-raised children would consider an extremely dumb move.

"Run!" she yells to the others, before waving her arms wildly at the mal. "Hey, over here!" she calls, running towards it, trying to think of every offensive spell she can cast with her current mana. It won't do more than annoy, but maybe that will make the difference. By now, her classmates have immediately taken the chance to flee, leaving her and the mal in the hallway as it charges towards her, jaws open and dripping corrosive liquid. She reaches back, finding a doorknob that she's pretty sure only leads to a bathroom, but maybe if she lures it in there she can keep it contained for longer? She fumbles for a moment, the door swinging open behind her as she stumbles back into-

-a place that's very much not a bathroom.