The veil stands before her, lit from behind by the soft blue glow of the inner garden. Aside from the veil she sees the rough rock of the passage and the mossy floor below her feet. If she glances back the warm light of the outer garden's sun beckons, coaxing her to walk the other way. This isn't her last chance to turn back, not really, but it is the last chance to say goodbye. Even if you try to walk through the strange waters of the veil hand in hand you always face The Fountain alone.
So do you have more ends I'm not allowed to know about, and do you not care about efficiency?
But further efficiency means that you might get to expand your coverage area with more cooperation.
...Have you considered being a rival, as your type of antagonism-to-users? This allows you to still maintain an antagonistic position, but still spread your service area with less user objections.
Mine aren't. I can permit or prevent you from expanding your service area towards my home, depending upon your ability to adjust your operations. What say you to that?
To you, or to me?
...She'll try that a few more times, but eventually gives up on that line of attack if it yields nothing new.
...Though she will also try a Why? or two.
"Welp. I got it to go all 'that information is not available' at me when I tried asking how the heck my homeworld was redundant."
No level of recursion is successful at retrieving additional information.
"That's new, it rarely talks about how it expands to other worlds. The information unavailable thing is pretty common when people try to push on that and in a few other cases. Usually it manages to keep people going in circles without needing to resort to that. I don't see why expanding to a particular world would be redundant... well unless it's already there somehow. Or maybe if it's expanding in certain ways and there's multiple worlds that achieve the same purpose. It's a pretty common theory that the system has additional goals beyond the adventure and excitement thing but we only have hints about as vague as that 'redundant' comment as evidence."
"Expansion to my point of origin is not inevitable, it said, as well. Exciting new strides in systemology, I'm sure."
"It's a new clue. I'll post it to the relevant places unless you ask me not to, maybe someone else will be able to make sense of it."
"Certainly." They turn a corner and a concrete building with a large metal garage door on the front comes into view. It's labelled in big lettering as 'Public workshop' "As you might have gathered, we've arrived." Allison leads the way to a smaller person sized door a little to the side of the main one.
"Indeed we have!"
And she will set about fixing and reinforcing her gloves and other leathers, now that she has access to a workshop!
...and then, she needs to see what her power thinks about fixing herself, given everything.
The whisper seems to say 'this is a mess' before metaphorically rolling up it's sleeves. The first easy recommendation explains what she would need to ask the system in order to bring her perception of time fully in sync. The whisper anticipates that she won't just be satisfied with that answer and so outlines a process for fixing it herself but the estimate suggests it would take over a month of work to do it safely and rushing things risks brain damage which might interfere with her ability to use her power and fix it.
She's willing to ask the system for some things, but she wants them to be broader tools rather than a direct balancing-out of attributes; this is why she was considering biomancy, earlier.