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portals to the 16th century are kind of a big deal
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She blinks at him, still working on processing words.

" - oh! Thank you." She doesn't really have enough time for the things she's already doing, really, but she did say she would practice, and she is vaguely relieved to have one again. 


- then she notices the coins again.

"...where did you get these?"

She is aiming for sounding only mildly suspicious. She might not be very good at that, ten seconds after waking up. It's just that she's actually moderately suspicious, you see.


"Bandits. So why are you sleeping in that chair instead of in your bed? Looks like a perfectly good bed to me."


She blinks, trying to figure out whether it's okay to steal from bandits. It's probably sort of okay? It's okay enough that she probably doesn't need to refuse to use things taken from bandits. And as things to steal from bandits go, their weapons have got to be one of the more okay things.

- oh, right, there was a question in there. "Oh. I guess I fell asleep doing homework last night."


He thought homework was a demon or something. He is SO CONFUSED.

"You... fell asleep?"


"There was a lot of homework! I'm almost done!"

Augh, what time is it. She gets up and grabs her alarm clock. Early enough that she can maybe still finish before school starts.




"Okay, I still have time to finish before school, I just have to focus."

" - wait, what're the coins for?"


" - Buying stuff? Humans use money." This is a FACT. He knows this FACT.


"That's... true. Was there something specific?"


"I didn't have anything else to do with it." Is she QUESTIONING HIS MOTIVES. She IS questioning his motives. "It's not like I was going to leave it on the ground."


"Huh," she says, and looks at one of the coins. It's - old, obviously, and probably worth a lot more than the metal, though maybe only if she can prove that it's legitimate, which she has no idea how to do. Even the metal isn't trivial, though. "Well, thanks. I guess I'll see if we can get another bicycle with them, then."


" - but right now I need to do homework! Really, actually need to do it!"


He knows when he's not wanted.

"- Do that, then!"

And he'll superjump out the window and head back through the well.


He's so weird sometimes. He's being helpful, though, in a... weird, angry sort of way, where he breaks into her room in the middle of the night sometimes. You'd think it would be kind of scary, for someone you met two weeks ago to break into your room in the middle of the night sometimes, but it isn't, really.

She is kind of worried that he's mad about something, not that that makes a lot of sense with the bringing her a bow and some coins and leaving her alone so she can do homework. Maybe she should ask Myoga later.

Later, though. Right now it's geometry time.


October 3rd, 1996

I should probably go back through the well tonight. Ayako got replacements for most of the stuff we lost, although we still don't have a new bike. Inuyasha showed up this morning with a new bow and arrows and a bunch of old coins. He says he got them off of some bandits, which I guess is okay. I guess it would be less okay if he killed the bandits. I didn't really think about that, before. There's not really a great way to ask about whether your traveling partner killed a bunch of bandits for their stuff.

Grandpa's not sure how much the coins are worth, but he says that experts have ways of telling whether old coins are real, so they could be pretty valuable. He says it would be the age and not the metal, though. Apparently all of the coins that Inuyasha got are copper.

...I don't think I really want to go back through the well. I should. We've already saved a bunch of people's lives, between Shippo and the people in Kaede's village and the girls who were stuck in the frog eggs. It's scary to think about that many things going wrong in every single place where there's a jewel shard. It's just that - 

I dunno. Hiten and Manten were scary. It's weird to be any more scared now than I was of the toad spirit, or Yura, or Sesshomaru, but - I guess I felt like I did a pretty good job, in those fights. And against Hiten and Manten, I just got lucky. I made a bunch of horrible mistakes, and I really ought to have died of it.

Do you know that when you're in the modern world, nobody tries to kill you at all? The worst thing that ever happens here is not finishing your homework, or people giving you weird looks at school. I guess this isn't strictly true - somewhere in the world, there are famines and wars and criminals - but it definitely feels true. And none of the past jewel shards are things that we learned about because of my ability to sense them anyway. You have to wonder how much of a value add the sensing things is in the first place. I think Ayako's really worried about how much time it takes up, and about how dangerous it is. I've almost caught back up, but only by spending a whole week in the present, but I don't know whether it's really possible to live two lives at once and not let anything drop in either of them. 

I did promise Shippo I'd come back, though. And Kaede. And sort of Inuyasha, I guess. And there was all of that stuff about the shaken jewel being connected to me, although I don't think I have any idea what that really means.

Anyway, after school I have to go see the doctor. I still don't think anything serious happened, but Ayako made the appointment, and Sota says he wants to tag along and visit a sick classmate, so I guess I'd better. Then I can get my stuff together and - 

Well. We'll see.



"Miss Higurashi?"


" - sorry, I zoned out. Can you repeat that?"


The doctor scribbles something on his clipboard. "Were you alone, when you fell off your bike and hit your head?"


"Oh! No, my friend was with me. He went to go get help."


"Did he say how long you lost consciousness for?"


Nnnno, she was then kidnapped by a demon who is not going to feature in this story. "I didn't think to ask him. I don't think it could have been very long."


"Mm. Well, you're clearly lucid. Have you noticed any vision or hearing problems? Have you been seeing or hearing anything that other people don't?"


Oh, all the time, but that's because she's a seer, see. Medical forms probably don't have a box to check about whether your patient is a seer. She's not sure whether talking about it gets you a note about being delusional or not, in this day and age. "Things were blurry for a minute after I woke up, I guess. It went away pretty quickly."


"Any trouble focusing? Doing all right at school?"

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