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portals to the 16th century are kind of a big deal
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"Lord Inuyasha, the jewel shards," says Myoga, when Inuyasha doesn't go for them.


"Shut up."

Kagome's still dead. What's the point of jewel shards?

He couldn't even beat one demon without getting her killed.


Kagome is, once again, alive.

She's honestly too fuzzy on what just happened to be very confused about that. She kind of assumes that Inuyasha somehow deflected the lightning attack, even though she didn't know he could do that. Shippo is safe in her arms, looking like a small child again. She's fallen down, as the rocks crumbled under her feet, but she's able to stand up and dust herself off. Something's wrong with her vision; everything is tinted pale blue. She's not sure whether she fell and hit her head again, or whether it's because of the blinding light of the attack itself. She doesn't realize that she's covered in ghostly blue flames.



He'll turn in shock.


Is that her ghost?


"You did it," she says, still feeling like her brain is having trouble turning itself all the way on. Maybe it just hasn't fully realized that the battle is over yet. But - it is, she's pretty sure. It's over. They're finally safe.

" - thank you."


"Yeah! Because of you, I was able to avenge my father!"


"Oh, I see," says Myoga, confidently. "The souls have come to wish you a final farewell, before making their departure."

The blue flames rush upwards, then, as if to leave.


- What - but - no! "Don't go!" If he GRABS KAGOME does that stop her from dematerializing?


She seems entirely solid, actually. The flames fly up, briefly take the shape of a fox, and then dissipate.

" - okay. I won't."




- He'll immediately release her since she is alive and look in a different direction and SAY NO MORE ABOUT THIS, EVER, TO ANYONE, OKAY?


"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, about everything! I shouldn't have gone off alone instead of helping you. It was stupid and selfish and - I'm just going to try not to fight anything alone from now on, ever, if there's a spider in the camp then you're going to have to kill it because with my luck it'll be a horrible fire-breathing demon spider and you'll have to save me from it anyway, and - anyway."

She feels awful. Her neck hurts, her head hurts, almost every other part of her hurts less sharply than those, and she really would like to just collapse and lie down. ...and Inuyasha looks even worse, although it's kind of hard to tell, with him.

"Are you okay?"



This is BIZARRE. She keeps ADMITTING SHE'S WRONG. She should START FIGHTS more instead the way he does.

"- I'm fine," he says, in complete defiance of his burns, "- Whatever. You should've had more faith in me from the start."

And does Myoga have an EXPLANATION FOR THIS?


"...when I said the souls were departing, I meant that the spirit of Shippo's father had used the last of his strength to protect them with foxfire," says Myoga, who did not in fact mean this at all.


"Did you?" Swat halfheartedly.


Well, at least she's alive, and she's pretty sure that Hiten and Manten are dead. No matter how scared she still is, or how much her head hurts, or how stupid she feels about everything that just happened, she's safe again. She really should do something about how beat up she is, though, and ideally patch Shippo up too. She's got some more bandages with her -

" - oh, no, the bike," she says, and looks around to find the wreckage again.


"Eh, you got it, you can get another one," says Inuyasha, with the confidence of someone who knows that the only two categories of things are ones every peasant has that you can beat them up for, and nigh-indestructible legendary artifacts. But sure, he'll go wander over to the bike with her.



"Actually, it was a gift."

The bike itself is completely destroyed. The rest of her possessions are in more complicated shape. Her backpack seems to have been thrown partly clear, and only some of it was consumed by the fire. It also seems to have been thrown open, at some point, so a few of the textbooks and notebooks and loose pieces of homework survived, but the loose pieces are blowing around over what is, at this point, a fairly large area.

"It's - not all completely destroyed," she says, trying very hard not to think about the fact that she spent the last of her money on the masks and doesn't have any more to replace any of this with. "I probably have to redo a bunch of homework. Or - no, there isn't really time."


"I can run you back."


" - all right. Thank you."

Nobody ever fixed anything by feeling sorry for themselves. She's here, some of her stuff is here, and any landing you can walk away from is a good one. She takes a deep breath and resolves to learn from this without moping about the price of the lesson.

"I think some of this is salvageable. I want to take a few minutes to gather the stuff that hasn't been destroyed, and then - I'd really like to head home for a few days and regroup."

" you mind if I take what's left of Hiten's spear? It's yours if you want it, of course, but if not, then - I don't know if we can actually recoup the cost of the bicycle with what ought to be priceless historical artifacts, but if anyone would know how, it's my grandpa."


"Nah, all yours." She could probably use a magic weapon, not that he bets it still works after Tetsusaiga chopped it in half. "Go for it."


"Thanks." She'll take what's left of it, then. ...and also collect the jewel shards, she definitely didn't almost forget about those.

Her backpack is kind of a wreck, but if she wraps what's left of her tent around the outside, then together they hold things pretty well. A lot of her stuff is destroyed - her extra sets of clothes aren't wearable, the cloth parts of her first aid kit were destroyed, her plastic hairbrush has completely melted, and she's going to need a new copy of her math textbook - but she thinks some of her medicine is still good, and her notes were thrown clear of the fire, so that's something. She's also going to try to collect as many of the pieces of homework that are flying around as she can, on the theory that this will probably take less time than redoing them, even if it's still a little time-consuming.


Shippo will help! He's not very clear on what the papers are for (maybe they're magic spells, like his scrolls?), but he's hoping to tag along and is pretty sure that this is more likely to work if they've forgotten all about that thing where he tied to steal from them and are instead remembering him being helpful.

"Is this all of them?"


"I don't think so, but it's a lot better than none. Thank you, Shippo."

She tries turning on her melted gameboy, without much hope - and then it does, actually, turn on.

" - hey, this thing still works!"


Inuyasha finds her interest in all these bits of paper that she needs to ritualistically fill out boring, he's not a diviner or anything. But he can grab the stuff that matters for her.

"I mean, it's magic, isn't it? A little lightning shouldn't stop it."

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