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A Sable (with her two headmates) appears in orbit of a superhero world, wearing a Violet Power Ring.
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Nothing's changed - the brain scan seems to suggest a recent surge of telepathic activity, but the status otherwise seems pretty normal. 


And then she switches in, taking over smoothly as Maya steps back with a mental hug, head still cocked, eyebrow still raised, but subtly both a bit more confident and a bit more open at the same time.

"I'll be glad to explain a great many things as soon as you explain why you did that adorably invasive interrupt, summarize what if anything you learned from poking my head, and confirm that all of it falls under the same power test confidentiality that I discussed earlier with Centuria."



"You were being mentally influenced by that artifact on your finger." She inclines her head down, and adjust her glasses, a stern look on her face. "You still are. It was obvious from even a cursory read of your psychic emanations, much less the basic intent scan. The effect was empathic, so I focused on immediately removing a plausible threat, and getting into a situation where we can talk this through like adults." "This conversation is subject to that confidentiality, though the incident of you stalling out in space is not. Is that acceptable to you?"

She's distinctly unamused. 


Her expression warms a bit more. "That's very understandable, and I appreciate the concern. The confidentiality is acceptable as described — I certainly can't expect you to cover for my getting overwhelmed in public, can I?" She giggles a bit at the question.

"It's not urgent, if it was just an intent scan apart from that brief disruption, but I would still quite like to know what you found. First, however, I'll explain things as promised."

She holds up her right hand, palm facing in, showing off the ring. "This is a Violet Power Ring, one of the most versatile tools in the multiverse. It's a tool for mostly-safely wielding the Violet Light of Love, one of the seven colors of the Emotional Spectrum. All seven lights have a tendency to warp the wielder toward that color and can become imbalanced. Meditation and introspection are recommended."


She giggles ruefully and shakes her head, blushing slightly. "Being frank with you, I'm new to ringslinging — though I still highly doubt you'll find anyone better at wielding Violet than me. That bit of overwhelm came from immersing myself in how much I love defensive magics and technologies and how much I love learning, to examine your impressive defenses here. I'm a little embarrassed, actually, that I let myself get that overwhelmed. Had it handled, though there's still room for improvement. Before I possibly go into how that recovery worked, however, I'd love to hear if you found anything interesting in the intent scan."


"I got a basic read of your plurality, your desire for intimacy, to have a good adventure and to faithfully protect. Little else. As indicated, I try to avoid reading contaminated minds."

She sighs lightly. 

"Could you please take a moment to describe what such rings can do, firstly?"




Every perspective counts, and her caution is understandable.


Maya and Neo hug Sable firmly in mindspace.


"The plurality is what I was looking for in particular, thank you. We weren't out about it back home. And yes, I can."

She hums, considering where to begin. "A ring can be used for flight (both slower and faster than light), environmental shielding, hardlight constructs, shielding, energy blasts, material alteration, transmutation, communication, extremely thorough scanning, limited healing (some colors are better at this than others), translation, and some empathic and more esoteric abilities. All uses of a power ring are driven and shaped by the wielder's clarity of purpose and ability to shape their intent in the emotion of the light they're wielding."


"Thank you for sharing. I'll leave it to my colleagues for the determination of the more exact details."
She asks softly.
"Would you mind taking off your ring for the moment? I swear that I won't make or facilitate any effort to take it away from you, if you don't attack anyone."


She steps closer to the table in the middle of the conference room, takes off her ring, and sets it down. Away goes her environmental shield, away go the little boosts, but oh well. She clasps her arms behind her back.

Her mind isn't very different. Still plural, and honestly ran pretty thoroughly on Violet even before she wore the ring, once she found herself again.

"I don't mind."


"Do you think it would be unwise for me to put it on myself, as an experiment?"


"Interesting question."

<Girls? I can see this going either way.>


Neo calls up an image of the ring-tap that disabled them. <Might be hard to take it back if she goes off.>


Maya hums. <I think you can call it back, especially if we help, as long as she's not actively striking at our mind. The real question is risk factors.>


<Thanks, loves.>

Hardly a fraction of a second after she first spoke, she asks, "Are you prone to possessiveness or jealousy? Do you have a decent understanding of there being multiple kinds of love beyond romantic?"


"I'm not, and I'm well-aware. It's part of our job, to work with other people's loves, after all."

She presses her hands against her lap. 

"I can be dismissed by Professor Id herself as well, due to my nature, so me running amok like that is not a concern you should have, I would think."

She presses it up her glasses against the bridge of her nose. 

"The ring emanates the effect, to an extent. There seems to be a bonding process seperate from that, but it promotes love around it and its workings. The effect seems relatively minor, and it's understood that many heroes have abilities that will have odd ramifications around them, but if you are going to use it, that is going to need to be disclosed, and ideally a countermeasure offered to those expected to stay within range of the effect for extended periods. Please keep that in mind when working to minimize the effects." 


"Glad to hear it. I welcome help in devising a straightforward countermeasure to offer people. Considering all that, try it with my blessing."


She presses it onto her finger, and hums softly.

A soft purple light wraps around her, glowing gently. 

She takes a moment to draw a heart in violet, hover in place, before focusing firmly for a moment, the color cutting out and popping back in a few times. 

She rolls it off her finger with her thumb, the ring drifting in an aurora of the light before circling back above her palm, dropping down. 

She offers her hand out to her. 


"And I don't believe I got your names?"


She reflects on her loves, and all the lovely people she can protect here, and calls the ring back onto her finger.

"I'm impressed. Just from the little I know of you so far, I wouldn't expect you to most naturally be a Violet wielder, and it takes some self-mastery to wield a non-native light. Hell, the ring-hover trick takes a decent bit of self-mastery even in one's preferred color."

She smiles warmly. "It's nice of you to ask for all of our names. I'm Sable."


She switches in for a moment, posture straightening a bit further, diction a bit more formal, accent faintly British. "I am Maya," she adds with a gentle smile.


Neo switches in next, posture getting even more casual than Sable's, head tilted, grinning, hip cocked, one hand on her hip, the other waving cheerily. She recalls how Sable has never pushed her to speak aloud, and conjures construct text spelling "Neopolitan", with "or Neo for short" below it in smaller print.


"Pleasure to meet you, Sable, Maya, Neo." 

She nods her head at each name. 

"Thank you. I try to cultivate a mastery across the full spectrum of human feeling - though I expect my output with a tool like this would be rather low, even aside the limitations of the budding process."

"A few things I've noticed, upon a quick examination. The effects are relatively modest, but they compound, especially with themselves. I can see how you could get... overexcited, on the light. It seems to also make it moderately more difficult to focus on other emotions, and makes solving your problems through love and the power of the ring more instinctively 'correct'. It might be useful to try to find alternatives to focus on, and ways to exist aside the way it promotes. There doesn't seem to be a simple methodology to block it with my powers - though the effects are somewhat readily identifiable, at least internally. It might be speculatively plausible for Doctor Id's primary body to manual modulate the intensity of feeling in real time, but it focuses too much on what you are feeling in that moment for a generalized numbing to compensate. Perhaps a ward of some kind? I'm not particularily familiar with such things, but there are few things that a truly skilled magic user cannot address." 

"But beyond that..." 

"Is there anything you'd like to address before you go on your way to testing in truth? I'm more than happy to field a response to any question you might have that you don't expect a councillor here to have as good an answer to as I would, given the givens."


She considers for a moment, nodding and taking all that in. "It's something to practice, for sure. I don't think I have any questions for you specifically, unless you know of any resources on helping headmates get their own bodies that the counselors wouldn't."

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