At a bar beyond the end of the universe, a young blond man sits sipping a bluish drink and watching stars explode through the window.
"Sith Empire versus the - I'm going to call it the Old Republic, with how you have a new one. Each has approximately half of the galaxy. There was an extended ceasefire, for a while, but it's since evaporated and now the two are trying to unite the galaxy by killing the ones who have the other half of it."
"I - appreciate the thought, but I'm not sure how much could be done. Both sides have a number of trained Force sensitives, and while I don't doubt your abilities, I'm... not certain you could face the Dark Council alone. Or that you'd want to help what is technically my side."
"Technicalities aside, my sense is that you're on the side that wants the killing to stop."
"It would be nice," she agrees, pretending levity. "Librarians, you know. We like our quiet. Killing's so loud."
"You're probably right, though. Not much just one person could do to shift the balance."
"Really, I think the balance already got shifted by one person. Our Emperor's dead, too. It's the Dark Council holding the Sith Empire together, now, and, well. Sith Lords aren't the most stable of people."
"Yes, but she's not the problem. If the Sith Empire collapsed tomorrow she'd be annoyed and concerned for the structure of her organization and the safety of her archives, but otherwise not really care. As long as no one breaks her things, she's inclined to ignore politics and policy. It's - everyone else that's the problem. The turnover rate for Dark Councilors is - shortening alarmingly, and the ones who are stable are not as benign as my teacher."
Callida raises her eyebrows. Skeptically.
"Do you know what her reply would be? Because I can guess. Something along the lines of, 'if the interests of the Empire concern you so, why don't you deal with it.'"
"I think I'd want to be more assured that I could hold power before I try to seize it, otherwise I just make a bigger mess. I'm not against the idea, I just don't think I could survive for any longer than fifteen minutes if, say, Darth Marr wanted me dead. My teacher could give me authority, certainly, but I can't hide behind her forever."
"Republic politics is only figurative backstabbing. I guess that puts Fey'lya's antics into perspective..."
"Literal backstabbing is worse than the figurative kind, but neither is particularly fun. What does this Fey'lya do?"
"Oh, he's just always fiddling around with rules and procedures to make sure he's getting the best deal with everything regardless of larger concerns. I can't follow half of it, honestly."
"Charming. A grim bright side of Sith politics is that if anyone is too self serving and stupid, they will either be intimidated until they knock it off, or die when someone gets annoyed with them. Everyone is very motivated to think of the good of the Empire, unless they're Sith themselves."
"There are two separate sections of the political structure. Non-Sith, and Sith. I have only a vague idea of the non-Sith structure, but as I understand it, it's highly militaristic and based heavily around loyal years of service and skill. Aside from that, I really couldn't say. I haven't gotten involved.
"Sith politics are - well. Deadly. Also somewhat bizarre. They are ostensibly above and in control of all non-Sith in Imperial society. The lowest Sith apprentice is," she grimaces, "above even seasoned and loyal citizens. The Dark Council has twelve members, each in charge of their own Sphere of influence. A section of government or specialization, if you will. Some of these Spheres are dare I say it, sane - the Sphere of Biotic Science, the Sphere of Production and Logistics, my own teacher's Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. Then there are the, ah. Less sane ones. Sith 'Philosophy,' whatever work that involves, an entire Sphere devoted to the vaguely named Mysteries, and no I don't know what it's about, and not one, not two, but three separate Spheres for the military. Offense, Defense, and Strategy. Presumably because if one Sith Lord was in charge of the army, they would go, 'And now I will use that to kill all of the other Sith.'"