At a bar beyond the end of the universe, a young blond man sits sipping a bluish drink and watching stars explode through the window.
"So you want to keep them from being horrifically manipulated by a monstrous, selfish, power-hungry megalomaniac that wants to whittle down their willpower in order to use them for his own nefarious goals."
"When you put it like that it sounds like it shouldn't be that hard. I just have to make sure there aren't any more monstrous, selfish, power-hungry megalomaniacs out there. But I don't want them to have to learn the hard way if I miss one."
"And not all monsters are shaped the same," she agrees, reasonably. "In my experience, the trick is not actually in keeping them in a box where no monsters can touch them, it's helping them to build the mental architecture to identify and then oppose them. And, well, keeping them safe while they're constructing it."
"Making mistakes is part of being alive, I think." For some absurd reason, she has the urge to say, 'My mistakes involved accidentally torturing someone,' but actually let's never say that ever.
"This is speaking largely from personal experience, and for others it might be different, but I grew a lot as a person when I was given the chance and resources to learn more about the galaxy. To understand different perspectives and philosophies and allowed to come to my own conclusions without being - pressured to match a specific doctrine. My teacher doesn't... perhaps use a teaching method I can wholeheartedly recommend, but she advised, taught, and supported me when I needed it."
"I know all about alternative teaching methods." He smiles wryly. "My teacher used to have me run around a swamp with him on my back. But that's good advice. Thank you."
"You're welcome." She considers the visual of carrying Occlus through a swamp on her back, and can't resist smiling a little. "Carrying your teacher on your back. How bizarre. Perhaps also don't do - that. Unless you're planning to cover their medical insurance for the inevitable back problems."
"Did all kinds of crazy stuff with him. Some of it makes a lot more sense in retrospect. Funny that it was only a few years ago, but I feel like I was so young and foolish then."
"One of the rarely mentioned downsides to growing as a person is unfortunately looking back on yourself and thinking, 'Wow, I was an idiot.'"
"Ha. Yes, that does get awkward."
"You know, you're not exactly what I was expecting the next Sith I met to be."
"I am something of an anomaly, among Sith," she agrees. "Were you expecting - let me guess, baseless threats of violence, attempts to manipulate you to give in to your darker impulses, maybe a melodramatic monologue or two?"
"Would it help if I began to monologue, perhaps? Talk about my nefarious deeds and how you don't know the power of the ever so creatively named Dark Side?"
Teasingly: "I am the Sith Lord Callida, single apprentice to the Dark Councilor of the Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge. Join me and learn all the secrets the Force has to offer."
She laughs, softly.
"I wasn't actually trying to be very spooky, there. Those were the official and intimidating Sith names, because Sith culture is not in the habit of subtlety. In more colloquial terms, I am an archaeologist and librarian."
He has a very charming laugh. She is charmed by it.
"Join me and spend a large fraction of your time excavating tombs and translating obscure texts. Have all of the secrets of the Force at your fingertips without the strain of seeing the light of day for weeks."
She resists outright giggling, but another laugh reaches the surface, soft and genuine.
"Oh, probably."