At a bar beyond the end of the universe, a young blond man sits sipping a bluish drink and watching stars explode through the window.
"And you're very efficient and you're thoughtful and kind and good at putting people where they can do the most good and when you learned I was from the future your first thought was for medical advances and I guess what I'm trying to say is I kind of like you too."
... She is a Sith Lord, so she is not going to squirm happily, that would be undignified. Even if she kind of wants to.
But she will smile at him some more, and say, "Well, that's nicely symmetrical, then, isn't it."
She moves seats to sit next to him.
"Though to be fair, when I learned you were from the future, my first thought was actually 'what bantha shit is this,' so, if that particularly changes your opinion of me..."
It's very obvious that she's teasing.
"Clearly that means this is never going to work and I should leave immediately." He makes absolutely no move to do so.
"And what are you going to do instead?" she wonders, in a tone that aims for innocent and paradoxically is anything but.
"Stay and see what happens," he says, stretching an arm around her somewhat tentatively.
Well, that's rather cute, actually.
She leans into him and closes her eyes. Snuggling: is pleasant, even if it's kind of alien.
"Mm. Sounds good."
She's not precisely sure what to do, which is a bit of an exercise in anxiety, but she strongly suspects snuggling is not supposed to come with specific tasks to add to her to-do list.
... Granted, she is going to get bored very quickly like this, but it's nice not having to do things. For a little while.
"I wonder if Bar has brochures on sights to see in Milliways," she muses, out loud.
"Not really, no. I imagine if she gets bored she'll be perfectly capable of solving the problem without my help."
"Though, I am easily bored, so if you perhaps have a conversation topic or something that would lengthen this time we have considerably," she says, lightly.