At a bar beyond the end of the universe, a young blond man sits sipping a bluish drink and watching stars explode through the window.
She has the urge to snap at him that interrogating her isn't the way to find out, but she clamps down on that urge, shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath.
That is not fair, of course he wants to know more about the situation, a Sith Lord is acting strangely around him and her apprentice is - technically keeping important information on the subject from him. Just. Also that information is that she's attracted to him.
"... How about we go inside," she motions to Milliways, "and sit down? I don't know about you, but I'm a bit sick of being a doorstop."
Into Milliways, then. Occlus is mysteriously absent, so Callida doesn't have to try to deal with juggling her teacher and Luke at the same time. Good.
She orders another cup of hot chocolate and goes to sit by the fire, pensive.
"So," she begins, leaning heavily on her Sith composure, "how many of the specifics and implications of the society I was raised in have you caught?"
"Most of the people you interact with are afraid of Sith, with generally good reason. Any personal relationships you try to make are colored by this fact."
"Correct," she murmurs. "And then there's trying to have personal relationships with other Sith, which. Typically isn't very recommended."
"... So, I can't say I've had that much chance to learn of my taste in romantic partners, besides not being at all interested in abusing my station, but apparently I'm at least a little into blondes."
"Yes." She is very composed, but also not looking at him, in favor of inspecting the stitching on the hem of her sleeve. There is a slight imperfection in the machine sewn stitching. Not enough to put the sleeve in danger of unraveling, but enough to draw the eye. "So that is the predominant reason Occlus is inclined to - to test you."
Callida smiles, a little.
"Well, I was not flirting with you by accident, but I apologize if I made you uncomfortable and," the smile falls, and she looks away again, "I'll certainly drop the subject if you'd rather."