At a bar beyond the end of the universe, a young blond man sits sipping a bluish drink and watching stars explode through the window.
I think you should reconsider in favor of discreetly coming by my ship. As of about an hour ago, I've learned that multiple universes with different rules exist, via a multidimensional hub in the shape of a bar that decided to borrow the door to my cargo hold. It pauses time in the universe outside of the bar when the door is closed. I think you'll want to see it. I am very sure it is not some weird Force phenomenon, and that nothing is messing with my mind. Though if you disagree, I think you'll want to investigate anyway so you can figure out how the hell it managed to trick me, and maybe save yourself the trouble of replacing me.
All right. I have a dossier on the bar and its quirks for when you get here, and - ah. I made a friend. A remarkably reasonable Jedi. I don't see him making a nuisance of himself.
If he does I expect him to listen to 'Go away and talk to my apprentice instead,' but I also expect you could flatten him in a direct confrontation.
(Sorry, Luke. She's just being honest.)
... Though avoid doing that in the interdimensional bar itself, there's a security force present that has no jurisdiction outside of the bar.
All right. She can argue in his favor if it comes up, but she thinks doing that now wouldn't accomplish anything.
"She's on her way," she informs Luke.
Callida snorts.
"You hair looks fine," she says, amused. "Be respectful and polite, but don't let yourself be too intimidated. She respects people with spines."
"And if all else fails just - leave her alone and I can be a go between if for some reason you two do not get along at all. Which. Maybe you're not going to be best friends but you should get along fine."
"But you should probably fix that tuft of hair in the back, there." she says, deadpan.
His hair is fine.
More smile.
He's very cute.
... Okay, Callida, stop that, Occlus is going to be here soon. She does not want her teacher to give her a sardonic look about being attracted to the nice Jedi.
Like the one she's getting right now? Occlus must have clamped down on her Force presence to ensure she wouldn't be detected before she wanted to be.