At a bar beyond the end of the universe, a young blond man sits sipping a bluish drink and watching stars explode through the window.
He's very sweet, and she appreciates him very much.
The door to the cargo bay is near the landing ramp, for the simple reason of practicality of cargo movement. So when the landing ramp's attached airlock open, Luke and Callida can both see a slightly annoyed middle-aged human emerge, open his mouth, and then completely rethink whatever it was he was going to say upon seeing the bar instead of the cargo hold. The annoyed expression vanishes.
"Okay," he acknowledges, after a pause. "Very important, yes, all right."
"Hello, doctor," says Callida, smiling a little. "I apologize for the interruption, but yes, very important."
"Is this his fault?" asks Doctor Gelrath, pointing at Luke. "And are my samples in there going to be okay because some of the things in there are incredibly irreplaceable -"
"They're fine, this door is just borrowed for a little while. You should be able to get to the cargo hold's contents via the other entrance. And no, it's just a random phenomenon."
"Oh. Good. Hello."
"We have some information about medical technology from the future you may be interested in."
"Three thousand years, or so. I never got a precise estimate, actually, I should do that when I have the chance. And I don't know, you tell me."
She offers up the datapad Luke gave her, smiling.
"I don't think I've ever heard him make a sound quite that high pitched, so I actually think he was more enthusiastic than advertised."
"Yes," she says, when she's recovered enough. "New grounds in sonics. We'll see if he makes any more progress when he learns about Bar's resources."
"Yeah, just about. Do you want to look them over to judge for clarity of information, and also to learn the specifics about how Milliways works?"
She offers up the datapad.
Her run down of Milliways' specifics is tidily organized into sections and subsections, with a beginning overview of the premise of the place. The bar is a multidimensional hub that exists at the end of a universe, time is (usually) paused in a person's universe while they visit (see the time weirdness section for more specifics) and someone can meet all kinds of interesting people there safely. Here are the typical rules of the bar - generally, no attempted violence, mind control, stealing, or general anti-social behaviors in the main bar area. If someone attempts it, security will handle it, and security will always be staffed with someone that can handle whoever is causing the trouble. Similarly, there is a medical bay that will be staffed with someone that can handle whatever injuries are present, regardless of how strange and alien the injured person is. Bar is a person, and can provide all nonmagical food and drink available in the multiverse for a reasonable price in any currency (see the notes on currency exchange and when it is exploitable; in short, Bar tries to keep exploiting currency and item exchange to a minimum, barring unusual circumstances where Bar helps someone out that needs it) and can sell any nonmagical item, including foreign technology. (And here is a link to a list of what Callida has as worth looking into on that front.)
Would he like to read a specific subsection?