At a bar beyond the end of the universe, a young blond man sits sipping a bluish drink and watching stars explode through the window.
"Why would I ever waste resources on such a useless - I'd set it up on some kind of border system that was dealing with some kind of problem with pirates or the like, and have it be very scary at the pirates while quietly helping to boost the economy of the system, so it can eventually have the infrastructure to handle the problem on its own. Or something else, depending on what was going on in the Empire."
"Well, I'd certainly hope not, I'd want people to like being part of an Empire I was in charge of, or at least obviously benefit from it even if they complain at me about it a lot. Otherwise, why am I even in charge of it."
"Oh, ah. Somewhat awkwardly, the Sith Code. I don't agree with all of it, precisely, but - it's, it's complicated." Sigh.
She considers him. Then, quietly:
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken." Then, even more softly: "The Force shall free me."
She looks away. "I don't really interpret it the way other Sith seem to, but as codes go it's not the - the worst ever."
She - doesn't know what to do with this. For a few seconds, she flounders in indecision. She hasn't been hugged in years.
"... yeah okay."
Callida sort of doesn't know what to do with her arms. She tentatively hugs him back? That seems like the correct thing to do. And leaning into him, that seems to be okay too. Right?
Well that's very nice of him, and she'll just relax into this hug and let him keep being all of those things that he's being.
Callida winces slightly, and disentangles from the hug.
"... Yes, Deenia?" she says, picking up her dignity and putting it right back on as if it is the most natural thing in the world for a Sith Lord to hug a Jedi.
"Yeah, I didn't see any of that," declares the lieutenant. She edges past the corner, eyeing Luke like he might secretly be a rancor crammed into a human-shaped chassis. As if it's her last line of defense, she - attempts a smile. It is smile shaped. If you squint.
The reason why becomes apparent when she holds up a mug to Callida. It contains hot chocolate.
"... Thank you," says Callida, blinking and taking the offering.
"You had that, uh. Righteous yelly thing. Going on. It was echoing. So." Awkward shrug. Deenia eyes the bar behind Callida and Luke. "Yeah wow that is very weird."
"It is, yes."
"Iiiiiii am going to go now, okay? Okay." She waves, awkwardly, to Luke.
And away goes Lieutenant Deenia, like a skittish prey animal.
Callida sips the newly bestowed hot chocolate, looking faintly amused.