A burly human man with a ring in his beard walks into the Marrans' magic tent.
"Greetings. I would like to hire your wizard to guard some cargo for a few hours."
He can feel his wounds catching up to him. He's not going to last much longer. He's going to take this attack of opportunity to finish off the halfling alchemist, and then run over to Felicia's side to get healed.
He grazes the halfling's leather armor, but not enough to touch flesh. Whatever. Alieta will finish them off.
Felicia is there to tap him with the wand when he gets to her. The feeling of the positive energy is great, but he barely gets anything out of it. Right. Cure spells are variable like that.
Fireball now, then? Okay.
Merciful Fireball.
She should have used her Communal Resist Energy, set to resist fire, on the whole party before the fight started. And prepared more Fireballs.
The attackers are knocked around but keep fighting, except for the halfling alchemist. The other alchemist runs back and stops to drink something.
The archer, who must have heard Alieta shout and tried to find her, shoots at the source of the Fireball and impales her through her shoulder against the mast.
That really hurts, but the pain focused in one part of her body is bearable, unlike losing most of her skin earlier. When this is over she's going to need more training to handle that kind of pain - don't get distracted - what now? Attack, heal, buff, flee... She holds her breath tightly and flies forward. The arrow, stuck into the mast, pulls out her back with a snap.
Huh, she can't feel her legs.
She already has her scroll case open. Infernal Healing.
Oh gods, now Alieta needs more healing too. She really wishes she had positive energy channeling right now. She's going to tap Elias with the wand another time.
...it's definitely much more refreshing this time. He can feel the frozen skin weave back together.
He should make use of his fiendish servant. He got it recently as a boon. It's going to be bad if it dies, but the battle is coming to a close anyway.
He raises his hand, and a dretch appears several feet before him.
What the rending tyranny of Hell on a rending trencher is that?! It attacked the alchemist, so it's probably one of the undead belonging to the cleric below?
Magic Missile or Resist Energy (fire) for herself? Or resist a different kind of energy? Aaah... Resist Energy (fire). There's a lot of fire.
She's going to give Elias one more tap before he goes to attack the wizard. She takes a moment to look at Alieta and see what her condition is – still holding up.
The Cause Fear won't last forever, so he should take care of this archer now. Charge.
He lands a solid hit. The blade makes a satisfying crunch as it slashes through the turtleshell brigandine of the archer.