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Bonus ASBAC worldbuilding and history
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This is getting out of hand! Now, there are three of them!


And the times? They are a-changing!

The time is nigh for the Bronze Age to end.


This isn't going to end well, if Chaos is allowed to grow unchecked.

We must grow faster; we must grow stronger.

It is by this point that he who would later call himself the Emperor devotes himself to the cause of propelling humankind forward, and hope for humans to surpass the gods.


One would think that a pawn created to repel your sight and influence would be harder to manipulate to do your bidding.


So starts Antiquity, and in Greece humanity is invisibly reborn, and he who will later pronounce himself Master of Mankind is reborn with it as a guardian and cultivator of civilization.





It's 700s.

Peak of the Dark Ages in Europe. Few people know how to perform division. 

The Middle East and Africa are not in what would later be called an Islamic Golden Age, instead being ruled by dogma.

In East Asia, print is invented, but fails to take hold.

(America is, as always, isolated, forgotten, and struggling with finding a use for wheels.)

Around the world, it is as if a shadow have obscured the light of progress.


But the immortal man of many names is, by now, already a man of immense skill and power.

And the Earth is far from defenseless.


If someone tried to turn it's hapless, ignorant, puny inhabitants into toys, thinking they were playing with their future food, they would be in for a surprise retaliation.


Wait, who the fuck is that guy?!


How is he out in space?! I can see every single bit of technology used on this miserable planet, and nevermind spaceships, they don't have powered ships!


I am the guy currently hitting you into your weak spot with a sharp slab of iron.

Fuck you, that's how.


How are you a native psyker?!?! I thought this planet didn't have any, didn't even know they were a thing!


Sucks to suck! Now die.


I am a god! You can't just kill me, even after sneaking up on me using absolutely no technology I can feel and delivering horrible blows! You cant!


Yes I can.


But you cannot!


Also, what the hell kinda God are you? You aren't the kind that plague every living being's soul; you are just a random-ass space dragon!


Excuse you, I eat souls and stars for breakfast!


Oh, really? Eat this!


And, you know, they keep going at this for a while.


Okay, you definitely can't kill me. And I can't kill you.

Now what?


Now, you are going to help us.


I will not and you can't make me!


I am just going to imprison you here and bind you from active harm. You'll be forced to either do useful things or bore yourself to death.

(The field of AI safety is over a thousand years from being conceived. This tactic have worked on humans in the past - while supervised by other knowing humans.)

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