"...I may not have been working with Spring long, but quiescent is quite evidently not something it does.
"...How the absolute fuck do you have giant bees, the atmosphere doesn't have enough oxygen --
"-- oh, right, yes, magically giant bees. Bloody hell, why wasn't I considering the ecology, evolution doesn't care about sustainability, just whether it works --
"Anyway. I have expert advice sitting around somewhere for that sort of problem, and we can use that advice in an attempt to let the ecosystem shift gently where shift it must. Some adjustment will be necessary, but that's what all change is; we can additionally act to mitigate the worst of it. Do we have any records on the immediate and longer-term aftereffects from the last time a Vallorn was disconnected?"
"...The whole point of what I'm planning to do is to drain the magic, using its entanglement with the ritual to ensure I get a good grip on everything affected, not send it surging. If there's an overflow of Spring into the Trods, something has gone drastically wrong with the whole procedure. Not that I won't prepare for such a thing, but the idea is that the outflow of Spring stops. Although given what I just said, I can see why you would be concerned. I'm not going to be earthing all the Springiness of the Spring magic into the Trods. Just the magic part of the magic. It's not worth the effort to hold on to it, but I'm definitely going to depolarize it before I go dumping it anywhere.
"I've already set up the necessary deployments for post-Vallorn rescue work; what remains, there, is staffing."