For some reason, Emma wasn't expecting the train station to be this crowded. When she pictured leaving for Hogwarts, it included the other students, but it only included her year of students. But of course the train has all seven years of students on board, and all of them are here boarding with their families and their luggage and their owls and it's overwhelming. So she hides behind her mother's robes.

Her father pulls her out gently. "Come on, darling, you need to get onto the train."

"But... when do I see you?" Emma asks, clinging to his hand.

"Don't worry, love, we'll see you for the holidays," her mother says, detaching Emma's hand. "Go on, go meet some of your classmates. They'll be nice, you'll see. It's Hogwarts!"

"Safest place in Britian," her father adds under his breath. Emma doesn't know what to say to that, so she just hugs them both. "Love you, Mummy. Love you, Daddy."

"Love you too, darling. Now go on, get," her father says with a smile, and nudges her towards the train. "Your trunk's all loaded and everything, it's just waiting on you."

This is clearly untrue, since the platform is still full of students and the train must also be waiting on them, but it makes Emma nervous anyway- what if the train leaves without her?- so she gives her parents each another quick hug and rushes for the train. She settles into an empty compartment and presses her nose to the window, waving to her parents. They wave back cheerfully, proud smiles on their faces.

Focusing on her parents distracts her and she jumps when she hears the compartment door open. "Wha?"