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Version: 1
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for they carry with them the airs of salt
The Agile Centenarian has a bet to win, and needs a ship to sail on

The Centenarian, also called the Wandering Hunter, has made a bet with the Banded Prince, and now he has her ship until she wins it. But she can't win it without 'zailing' - as the Londoners insist on calling it, to her befuddled amusement - and she can't be a captain either. So she's wandering the docks of Port Carnelian, looking for a ship and crew that seem adventurous or interesting or both.

Not in much of a hurry, mind you. She has years. But nothing she's seen the last few days on the docks looked promising, and she's getting a little restless to be at sea again. Is there anything eye-catching today?

Version: 2
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for they carry with them the airs of salt
The Agile Centenarian has a bet to win, and needs a ship to sail on

The Centenarian (also called the Wandering Hunter when she's among Elders of the Continent) has made a bet with the Banded Prince, and now he has her ship until she wins it. But she can't win it without 'zailing' - as the Londoners insist on calling it, to her befuddled amusement - and she can't be a captain either. So she's wandering the docks of Port Carnelian, looking for a ship and crew that seem adventurous or interesting or both.

Not in much of a hurry, mind you. She has years. But nothing she's seen the last few days on the docks looked promising, and she's getting a little restless to be at sea again. Is there anything eye-catching today?