An idyllic scene:
The beautiful woodlands stretch off into the distance in all directions, a small muddy cart-track meandering off towards the rest of civilisation.
A selection of... mostly-human individuals, sitting or crouching by a sparkling stream flanked with a profusion of bluebells, panning the water for something - not gold, something more precious than gold, something more magic...
All of them have some slightly non-human features - prominent green veins, or patches of bark, or vines and flowers growing amongst the hair, or thorns jutting awkwardly through the skin. All of them have at least one prominent tattoo, a variation on the theme of a twining thorned branch; some have many more.
A few children running here and there, not tattooed, fetching and carrying and dancing and playing. Some are a little green-veined, some with scabs of bark from inevitable childhood accidents.
In general, a peaceful and Prosperous place, if a little light on infrastructure and facilities; some wooden structures cling to the forest's edge above the brook, haphazard shelters built with love and energy and not very much in the way of skill and patience.
The fruit salad is greatly appreciated by all, especially the children (the youngest girl is carefully spearing the little bits of fruit on her fork to eat with adorable concentration).
The remaining dishes are cleared away; the two younger adults go into the other room and start washing them in a basin they clearly prepared earlier, with a bit of hot water added that was put over the fire during dessert preparation.
The older man smiles at Deskyl and says something to the teenage boy, who writes a short note: All good? You can stay if you like but we'll be putting out beds soon in case the little ones want to sleep.
The teenage son repeats that to the older man, who nods in a friendly fashion. The small children get down from the table and start tugging bedding out of round the edges of the room whilst the others start to fold the table up.
Deskyl returns the nod, and checks back in with DZ before going over to the warehouse to sit on the roof and watch the rest of the sunset.
This is, indeed, a pretty good place to watch the sunset. Nobody else seems to be attempting the climb today - the roof overhangs, it's coated in waxy slippery leaves and not all of it is very load-bearing, it's not an easy climb at all (for those who don't have the Force to help them, anyway).
Yeah, none of that is a problem at all; it's definitely a good spot. She'll hang out up there to meditate afterward, too.
A few people notice her as time goes on; there are a couple she recognises as people who do sentry duty, who smile up at her as if they have won some kind of game by spotting her; a couple of people that haven't otherwise been remarkable, who do a double take and look mildly concerned but not like they're going to try to ask her to come down or anything; and eventually one of the pack of teenagers, who exclaims, points, and runs off to get a few more young people to admire Deskyl's climbing efforts. One of them seems to be trying to shout something up to her, and then that turns into a minor argument between them.
She's hard to distract, both watching the sunset and meditating; a minor argument isn't going to do it.
As it gets properly dark, Angharad shows up at the warehouse, asks the teenagers where Deskyl is, gets pointed up at the roof, and waves vigorously at her.
It takes her a few seconds to notice Angharad, but she jumps down agreeably enough when she does.
Angharad looks mildly startled at the leap, then enthusiastically says something, and indicates the direction of the forge.
A couple of the teenagers are attempting to tell Angharad something, presumably that Deskyl can't hear as well as can't speak and therefore it's not much use trying to talk to her, but she doesn't seem to be paying them much attention (which kind of annoys them, although not enough they'll immediately do anything about it).
Deskyl considers this, and then signs 'one moment' to Angharad, looks distracted for a moment or two, and then makes a questioning 'hmmh?' sound at the teenagers.
One of the teenagers attempts to sign in an unfamiliar sign language which is nevertheless recognisable as an actual sign language rather than frantic improvisation. Several of the others shuffle awkwardly or make 'no big deal' kind of gestures.
They're mostly kind of embarrassed that Deskyl stopped to pay attention to them; they respect Deskyl, she's probably off to do something important. The one signing is trying to explain what they were saying to Angharad.
Angharad does not know any structured, language-like sign languages, but is very happy to substitute the power of Pointing At Things, Gesturing Wildly, and when all else fails Sketching Things On Some Paper. It's pretty clear that she is actually quite physically tired and possibly over-estimating how far her boundless enthusiasm can carry her.
The design for the forge is slightly complicated by Angharad having decided at the last minute that she really needs two different heat chambers, one for the normal open heating of metal bit of forging and a separate closed one for getting up to higher - and more controlled - temperatures for experimental smelting.
Deskyl brings to the table the power of Telekinesis, Broad Engineering Knowledge, and Inquisitive Noises, plus an emotion sense that lets her tell exactly when she gets something into a position that Angharad likes; between the two of them they'll hopefully be able to figure this out, though she also won't hesitate to call it off for the night if Angharad starts seeming too tired to avoid mistakes.
Angharad gets increasingly impatient, and eventually drops a brick she's gesturing with on her foot a couple of hours in; she suddenly gets incandescent with rage, and stomps on the brick with her injured foot while yelling incoherently, which does not make her any happier...
As suddenly as it came, the anger evaporates at the lightest touch, to be replaced by crushing embarrassment. Angharad is clearly apologising profusely, in fact she squats down and apologises to the brick, then decides that a seated position sounds good right now and sits on the ground looking awkward while apologising some more.
Deskyl will turn her pain perception off and her hearing on, again, maybe that will make some sense of this.
"...that I'm so useless. You could probably have built this by yourself without me getting in your way. And now I'm just talking aloud because I don't know what else to do and you can't even hear me..."
"Oh. Isn't that... I'm sorry?" She looks kind of rueful, but now also hopeful, and her self-recrimination spiral has at least been halted a bit.
She shrugs, after a second, and goes to get the paper and pencil.
I can't really talk, even when I can hear. I'm not mad at you, though.
"Uh, thank you. I think I might have... I think I should maybe get some sleep. I've got. Uh. Most of a house? I don't think it's going to rain tonight, anyway.
If you want to carry on. It looks like you know what you're doing? Or we can pick up... whenever I'm awake." She yawns, which appears to catch her somewhat by surprise. "I think my foot is okay really..."
She tries to stand up. She puts some weight on her injured foot. It doesn't like that. She hauls herself up on a half-finished wall and tries again. It is still not really cooperating. She doesn't make any noise about it, she seems to have quite a high pain tolerance, but it doesn't look like walking is going to work without something to lean on.