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anakin has two moms. no not like that. unless... [thinking emoji]
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"My Anakin had a vision once, several years ago. Of a baby version of her and a younger Elesse."


Hmmm. "Elesse raised me with mama."

" - But why are you in the Jedi Order if you have a me? - Are you pretending?" Mama and the handmaidens and Elesse and sis and Anakin pretend lots of stuff is true that isn't, after all. 


"No, we are not. My Anakin- I didn't raise her."


"Oh. That's - sad." It is. Anakin loves all her family. And mama and sis love Elesse, too, which makes Elesse not being with them extra sad. "But you have me and mama and sis now?"


"I don't know if there's a version of your sis here."


- Squint.

"But there's gotta be." Hmmm. "I think she's had a couple names? Some are secret though. She's got black hair and looks like me but she's actually adopted but that doesn't matter 'cause mama loves her and families come in all shapes and that's also how Elesse's my parent and sis would always be my sis anyways. But she's not also Elesse's kid, just mama's - it'd be weird if she was Elesse's kid too, 'cause she's older than Elesse and they're dating - I heard mama call her Danni once, and Rodanthe calls her," serious frown and then a very complicated string of consonants and vowels not meant to be pronounced by humans, "But sis usually tells people to call her Darth Salacis?"


"-Darth Salacis?"


Then the world goes wonky again.


And Anakin stumbles as it returns to normal. 

- Sans weird Elesse.

She stares for a bit at where weird Elesse was, then at the crystal in her hands, then at the table-altar-console-thingy - 

Anakin knows she should go get Elesse or mama. That she promised. She tells herself that, firmly. 

But also she was JUST having a CONVERSATION and she wants to FINISH IT - 

She plugs the crystal into the depression maybe meant for it before she can finish deciding to not do that, thinking very firmly about how she wants to go find the other Elesse.

And then the world goes SUPER wonky. But at least Anakin's expecting it, this time. 


The entire structure leaps to obey her command, jolting and sliding out of this reality - including the very extensive stretches buried far underground, including everything in it, including everyone in it. Anakin can feel far more than any of the others, a pleased obedient hum in her mind, but - 

Well. They're currently falling through something rather unlike normal reality. It feels like the swirl of power that birthed Anakin. (It feels like potential.)

And then they structure hums and jolts again, landing a short distance outside the villa the Elesse its navigator sought is currently located in. 


From the perspective of everyone on the ship but Anakin: the Force twists dizzily, and then the outside of the temple is very decidedly not what it had been. 

From the perspective of those in the villa: a small step pyramid manifests in a whirlwind of energy several hundred yards away. It's less than a hundred feet tall all told, with tall pillars emerging from its upper layers, and some dirt and roots and grass still clinging to the outside.


She begins moving even before they reenter real-space, never mind the chaotic screaming blast this causes to her senses - a convenient thing about the dark side is she can use the Force without looking - she disintegrates or cuts through any parts of the temple between her and her daughter, scooping Anakin up and holding her close in the ruddy light of her lit 'saber.

(She's shaking.)




Elesse is not too far behind her.

"Anakin, what did you do?"


...Guilty squirm. (As much as she can with mama clinging to her.) "I just - I found some cool stuff and then I saw a weird Elesse in a vision and she said she was from another world and her Anakin had talked to an Elesse from a different world once and we were talking and then she vanished before the conversation finished so I wanted to go find her!"



"...Well, you're definitely my daughter."



"We're glad you're okay, Anakin. But we did mean this sort of thing when we said to talk to us first."


...Squirm. "I knew I was supposed to and I thought about it. I just - acted though."


"We'll have to work more on that, in the future."




"For now, though... We should go see where we ended up."


"I bet near the weird Elesse!"


...Tiny sigh.

"Why don't you tell us about her on the way, fuzzball?"


(Yay mama isn't too mad at her.)

"Okay!" And she recounts the entire conversation, short as it was, also pushing her thoughts and memories at Elesse and mama. (Mama's very reserved about sharing parts of her brain that aren't 'love Anakin,' but ever since Elesse started explaining how to keep people from reading her mind, Anakin's been cheerfully trying to do the exact opposite, and mama said she doesn't mind it when Anakin shares thoughts though mama refuses to look at things Anakin doesn't intentionally push unless it's very an emergency.)


Meanwhile, a different Elesse talks to a different Anakin about what just happened.


It takes Anakin a few long moments to even begin to formulate a response -

And, before she can finish thinking, the Force nearby twists. She spins towards the window, staring at the sudden pyramid.


"That seems likely to be them."

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