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"I'd say that, if you did it, you'd get this delicious cookie!"


The scarred tiefling girl takes the cookie without changing her distantly angry expression, and eats it without changing her expression much either.

"Fine," she says after a pause.  "I suppose a cookie like that is worth that much of Doomlord's stuff.  Hold on while I go fetch it."

She shuts the shack door on them.



...Pilar is torn between asking 'What really just happened there?' and 'Who's Doomlord?' but on concerned reflection Pilar is going to ask the second question first, because the answer to that may influence how loudly Pilar needs to mentally scream the first question.


Mister Doomlord is a True Neutral entity from outside Golarion's plane!  Mister Doomlord didn't come to Ostenso hoping to run across Keltham; he's here because of the divine non-intervention zone!


This seems like the sort of important fact that Pilar should possibly be reporting to her superiors in Egorian.


The negotiations for Mister Doomlord coming here were mostly carried out with Asmodeus and Otolmens, but Contessa Lrilatha has been informed and isn't allowed to tell anybody else!

Also the negotiation ended up with Otolmens telling Asmodeus that Asmodeus wasn't allowed to look directly in Mister Doomlord's direction, or at anybody around Mister Doomlord in the place he was dwelling, and Asmodeus agreed to that, so Pilar shouldn't pray to Him about it either.


Pilar is actually going to have some trouble screaming loudly enough to do this situation justice.


The shack door eventually opens and shows the scarred tiefling maid again, now bearing a Bag of Holding, which she hands over to Pilar / Snack Service still without much of an expression.  "You got something I'm supposed to say to Doomlord if he notices the anomaly in inventory?"


"I don't think he'll notice before things reach a point where it'll be obvious to him what happened!  But if he does, you can just say that you gave it away for a cookie!  Also, here, you should probably have these on hand around the place."

Snack Service slings Pilar's student bookbag off Pilar's shoulder, undoes the thief-resistant layers of buttoned flaps, and takes out the two headbands.


Pilar's hand freezes on the Hell-wrought lesser artifacts as she realizes what Snack Service is doing.


Serves Asmodeus!  And is kind of important actually!


Pilar, with some effort, allows Snack Service to control her body enough to hand the two headbands to the scarred tiefling.


"Huh.  Those look expensive.  You got instructions to go with them?"


"Don't let anybody else see them until you see Mister Doomlord strutting about with his fancy new artifact!  After that, I'm sure you can figure out what to do."

"The +6/+6/+4 headband is on indefinite loan.  But we'll need the +4/+6/+6 back after the trip to the City of Brass - which we'll be joining you on!  And then we get the treatment that Mister Doomlord plans for himself once we're there!  You can consider that the price of the headband's loan, I suppose, though really I'd just call it being mutually friendly about a matter of mutual interest."

"Also after that trip, besides taking the second headband back, we'll want a couple hundred of big shinies from Mister Doomlord's hoard, just in case we end up needing those on hand."


"Sounds like the sort of thing that key people will agree to.  Any else?"


"Well, don't tell anyone about this part, but matters have gone sort of weird and unpredictable so we might turn up at any point screaming about something you need to do right away!  Hopefully not, though."

"And that's all!"


The tiefling maid actually does smile at that.

"Pleasure doing business with you," she says, and shuts the shack's door.




Pilar can't actually mentally scream loudly enough to do this situation justice and there's no point in trying.


Fair.  What next then?


That was a pretty fast recovery!


Pilar has now been a Project Lawful girl for several months.


Well, next, Pilar goes to the Ostenso market and buys some other adventuring equipment that Mister Doomlord didn't have on hand.

And then, Pilar goes on adventures just like those she's heard tell of in legend!



Pilar is not completely disinterested in, or unhappy about, this.  But Pilar hopes that she is not being asked to do things the same way as the adventurers of legend.  Pilar thinks that the way legendary adventurers did things was stupid.  Pilar has thought this ever since she was a little girl.


Pilar is totally welcome to try doing things Pilar's own way!

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