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Edit History (Oldest to Newest)
Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
flashback: this is not a threat

PL-timestamp:  Day 58
PL-placestamp:  Fortress of Law, Ostenso nonintervention zone
Involved individuals:  Keltham, Peranza, Gregoria, 3 other tier-2s
Contents:  Transcript of a lesson on what does or doesn't count as a 'threat', when to try to blow up an awful multiagent interaction you would rather not exist in the first place, cautions against assuming something is a threat or a blowup situation when it's not, cautions against exploitability

Version: 2
Fields Changed Status
Version: 3
Fields Changed Status
Version: 4
Fields Changed Content, section
flashback: this is not a threat

PL-timestamp:  Day 58
PL-placestamp:  Fortress of Law, Ostenso nonintervention zone
Involved individuals:  Keltham, Peranza, Gregoria, 3 other tier-2s
Contents:  Transcript of a lesson on what does or doesn't count as a 'threat', when to try to blow up an awful multiagent interaction you would rather not exist in the first place, cautions against assuming something is a threat or a blowup situation when it's not, cautions against exploitability


[This is a placeholder that you can Favorite if you want to check in on it later, though I'm not sure now that it'll ever resume.]

Version: 5
Fields Changed Status
Version: 6
Fields Changed Status
Version: 7
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