Sufya has been having the dreams since she can remember.
"No she couldn't," Felicity says, waving the servant off on his way. :Eat the stew. This is the first time you've pulled from your reserves, isn't it?:
:That's a demon in your head, girl. Fetching food is that boy's job. If he's not fetching it for you he's fetching it for somebody else. Free yourself of your shame for existing!:
:Do you know how many times you have apologized to me personally in the candlemark or so you've known me?:
"Heya Felicity," says a girl who Sufya might happen to know. "How's Van - who's this - can I have your honeycake, I know you don't like sweets -"
"Lissa! He's doing much better, actually, thanks to Sufya here -" :- and I'm being terribly rude talking in Valdemaran, which she doesn't speak,: she sends to both of them. She hands over the honeycake. :She's got the Mindhealing gift, and she used it to make him feel a bit less rotten. Which is really saying something. Sufya, this is Lissa Ashkevron, Vanyel's older sister:
Lissa shoves half the cake in her mouth at once. "Doesn't speak Valdemaran?" she asks around a mouthful of crumbs. "Do I have to point my thoughts at her somehow or can she just listen in, don't much care what she hears honestly -"
:Sufya, she says you can listen to her thoughts if you want help understanding what she's saying. She just says anything that pops into her head anyway, I can't blame her:
(This is still sent to both girls.)
Sufya giggles, and thinks about how she's been picking up the thoughts people are specifically directing towards her, and sort of - aims that receptacle in Lissa's direction.
She's curious about Sufya, mostly - there's an undercurrent of worry for her little brother, there, but Sufya gets the impression that doesn't really go away, or at least hasn't for the past week or so.
"Can you hear enough to get what I'm saying?" she asks, and it's a very strange way to understand the words, sort of backwards, but she does feel what was said.
:Yes! It's good to meet you. I'm from Rethwellan so I just speak Rethwellani and the tradetongue, but I've been, well, conscripted, so hopefully I'll pick up Valdemaran soon enough:
:So far you've all been very kind! At any rate, I'm still getting used to... all of this, is what I'm saying: