The next day after you get back from Clare Melford, a note arrives at everyone's houses.
It's from Dr. Aarons.
He wishes to know what the results of the investigations are, and whether they recommend Roby be released in nine days.
"Listen, I'm not gonna run around telling anyone about it. I'm just looking to make connections.
What's your thing? Books? Dreams? Hypnosis? Weather? Animals? Got a friend who does stuff with animals, she's real sweet."
"Ah, that's a nice one. Any animals? Even feral ones, like street cats? I can't get them to go near me, they hiss and run."
I saw one across the street just a minute ago, can you show me? I've always liked cats."
"...why not, for a friend of William's."
She makes a high sort of trilling noise. A cat emerges and winds itself around Sal's feet.
"Aw, hey there!" Gentle pat. "This is amazing. Are you and William planning on lots of pets?"
"Well, if you can get children to listen like that you're all set either way!"
Ha ha aren't we funny.
"...Is it really... any animal? Even... wild beasts?"
Suddenly more serious: "I don't know what it was, exactly. Just that it was big, and wild, with massive wings. Out in the countryside. It's been causing a load of trouble."
It feels weird going to meet up with Ruby just to go "Good Awful news! You were right not to go to Clare Melford!" But it seems like the sort of thing he should know.
"Lovely to see you too."
She taps him with a fan.
"You've been busy, darling. I have seen neither hide nor hair of you."
"I've been very selfish."
...and he should explain where he has been gone. "And also chasing after Roby."
"Do you want the short and reasonable sounding version, or the insane sounding but detailed one?"
"There are some big granite monument things, put up by a group of people a few years ago who sound remarkably like Roby and his friends. They've made the land around them barren and--" How the hell do you describe bats to someone who hasn't ever seen them. "--They attract dangerous flying things, that will attack you."
"And, they-- well. Did."