The next day after you get back from Clare Melford, a note arrives at everyone's houses.
It's from Dr. Aarons.
He wishes to know what the results of the investigations are, and whether they recommend Roby be released in nine days.
" would probably be worthwhile asking for another description of the devil. Considering recent encounters."
"I do think you should note that the degree of his obsession is unusual even for Bohemians, and that the book he wrote on the subject is rather disturbing. By itself that isn't conclusive but it is the question we were originally asked to answer and omitting it might be taken as evidence that we didn't notice anything of that type at all."
"Feels a bit dirty to write him up for a disturbing work of literature. Even though we know it's not-- just that. But, I don't know, on principle?"
"I - suppose." He rewrites a bit to note that.
He's inclined to understate it a little. I mean, he doesn't think it's a big deal. But he does include it.
"Maybe mention a concerning past history, though one that isn't necessarily a sign of being insane."
This whole exercise feels a bit dirty to him, actually, but he's not going to push it. "I hope we can get a greater sense of, say, Parker's involvement. I remember Carter mentioned Roby being-- a sweetheart, I think?-- and I don't feel great about his sanity but I can't help but feel he's in with a bad crowd."
It's also very possible that using magic changed Roby's character in a fundamental way but he doesn't want to raise that especially in present company.
He! Confessed! To! The murders! There have been two more mysterious murders around him! Why are Oscar and Terrence insisting on bending over backwards to argue that the murders must have actually been someone else's fault!
It is kind of funny how they could throw principles out the window yesterday when there were people they could have been dooming because of it but they're all-important now when playing dirty might help save lives. He doesn't say it. He is not brave enough to pick that many fights.
"Well, being in with a bad crowd is no indictment either - but I follow you. I certainly hope he hasn't killed anyone. I will simply ask to speak with him once more. We can present our full conclusions to Aarons closer to 9 days."
"--oh, I also want to ask around about whether there was a whistling sound when the orderlies were killed."
Maybe the King in Yellow fanatic is actually getting in the way of proper reasoning about this. Maybe letting him control the narrative is going to fuck them over.
"I would rather talk to Dr. Aarons in person about this."
In the interim between that conversation and leaving for the asylum--
To talk to Evie, one must first find Evie. Which might just involve hanging around outside the apartment for a bit. At hours when one might expect a fiancée to come home.
"Hello. Nice day out, isn't it." Is there any hint of a whistle on her person. "Been seeing you around a bit recently."
"The magic." He shrugs like this is a perfectly reasonable thing to discuss. "I've got some friends who do it too. You learn to pick up on things."
Mostly things like spooky whistles and warnings about youth-devourers and second-hand talk of spells, admittedly.