The next day after you get back from Clare Melford, a note arrives at everyone's houses.
It's from Dr. Aarons.
He wishes to know what the results of the investigations are, and whether they recommend Roby be released in nine days.
The next day after you get back from Clare Melford, a note arrives at everyone's houses.
It's from Dr. Aarons.
He wishes to know what the results of the investigations are, and whether they recommend Roby be released in nine days.
"Maybe you should stay away from Evie? --if an unknown number of people can mind control people, there's not a whole lot we can really... Do, about that."
"Yeah. I am planning on staying away from Evie, just, we don't actually know she's the only one. We don't know very much at all."
"Can she affect people she hasn't met? Through writing, maybe?"
Not looking at Terrence.
"Do - hm. Do you have anyone else we could ask? To... I don't know, write one of us if something seems off? Someone who's not involved?"
"You, or Oscar, I mean - I mean, I know it would be a strange request ..."
There is an unknown amount of mind control in the world. He kind of wishes he could inform his anarchist friends about this horrible practice but he's... being magically prevented from telling them, for one, and for two he'd be written off as an occultist crank at best.
(Sal blushes. Does not otherwise respond to Inaaya.)
"If they notice something off about us or about anything that could be attributed to mind control?"
"Sure. yes, something like that. An odd plan, preoccupation, a change in motivation. ...I would leave it up to individual discretion whether or not to mention mind control as a concern, mind you."
"I'm wondering something. Does mind control... always result in the victim developing positive feelings about the person charming them? Might be a good thing to keep track of. If we start... getting very interested in Evie. Mm, no offense to Jing Yi."
No offense to Terrence either for that matter.
"I can add a postscript to the letter but after our last conversation I'm not sure he'll take it seriously."
"I have someone who'd be able to tell if something was wrong, or if I suddenly developed a new goal or a weird plan or a crush for no clear reason. It wouldn't even be that strange to ask."
And Joan would be able to tell. Inaaya is unshakably confident in this.
(...She's not totally thrilled with the part of this plan where the others become aware that Joan exists but it's not like she has to tell them any details.)
"I'm thinking someone who sees you a lot, who knows you well. Maybe your wife, Oscar. Just someone who would notice and could alert the others. Jing Yi could act as mine - or, well, I mean, given the concern. Maybe another one of you. ... I'm just saying, if we want a, a sort of mind-control warning system, and there's a person available."
"Oh, excellent."
"We just don't know enough about mind control to make any useful assumptions. But I'm willing to keep an eye on Terrence."
Who does Sal have. Does Sal have anyone. Kind of the entire way Sal's life is built is deliberately designed to prevent this being possible. "I have... a coworker. Maybe. Or, there's... a relative I could talk to..."
Terrence nods, sympathetically. "You and Inaaya are close, it sounds like? Perhaps she can help as well."
"Perhaps." And between the psychic bohemian friend and the closeted work friend and the sister who as it turns out has known him for her entire life they might be able to put together an entire Sal.
"I can ask Hannah, I guess."
Except he's not going to do that because Hannah has a bunch of great reasons to hate hearing about anything shaped like an infatuation. (Terrence has clearly never been married!) And also she doesn't know anything about magic.
"And... I guess if Inaaya thinks I'm acting strange she's probably right."
Great! This is a great plan. Terrence is proud of himself for thinking of a handy solution. It would be really bad if any of them got mind controlled by something really malevolent.
"I'm still rattled from the coma, and not myself. And if she tries anything-- maybe I'll notice this time." He smiles ruefully.
"--I have some friends I may be able to lean on." Ruby may not want him to darken her doorstep after some of his decisions, but he might be able to convince her to let him stay for a week. "Though she is going to notice my absence."
(If all else fails maybe tell her the landlord objects to there being an unmarried woman in the house and you hate to kick her out but you'll all get evicted otherwise. This would be enough of an asshole move that she's not going to suggest it until it comes up, though.)