The next day after you get back from Clare Melford, a note arrives at everyone's houses.
It's from Dr. Aarons.
He wishes to know what the results of the investigations are, and whether they recommend Roby be released in nine days.
The next day after you get back from Clare Melford, a note arrives at everyone's houses.
It's from Dr. Aarons.
He wishes to know what the results of the investigations are, and whether they recommend Roby be released in nine days.
"If you did it this month, you can do it again." Terrence puts a reassuring hand on Jing Yi's shoulder.
"I will have to explain it to Evie. 'Hi, honey, this thing that's very important to you is being delayed because my friends think I might be being mind controlled.'"
"We'll workshop something! Tell her you're still sick from your mysterious coma. You'd need to be in top form to take on Parker, surely."
"'So sorry, I have a terrible injury to my dominant hand, and am passing out randomly, and I don't want to drown in the Thames."
"Terrence, if it comes down to it would you consider yourself capable of tying your flatmate down to something?"
"I mean, if she's mind controlling anyone she's not exactly going to develop qualms about it now."
"If I seem likely to do something very self destructive, you are allowed to tie me down. I just don't think it would work."
Well, good news, Jing Yi is below average strength, he's just very good at dodging.
...Oh, goddamnit. That's true.
Terrence blinks. Why had he not thought of that.
"I don't think - " he starts, and it's true, he doesn't have the sense he'd be easy to mind control, but surely everyone thinks that, most people don't have to contend with mind control as a real threat! So he shuts up. "Oh, fuck."
"Pardon my language. Well, I can get a boarding house room for the next... while."
How will he move his elaborate pinboard?? Well, he's been meaning to reorganize it for a while anyhow. Maybe this will be the reason.
(Oh my goodness Terrence still apologizes for swearing. He is so goddamn fussy. Oscar is momentarily distracted by this observation.)
'Not easy to mind control' is not the first thought anyone should have about Terrence, no.
"It... it can't be a straightforward trump card. There's got to be, to be limits on it... But I can't see what they could be."