The next day after you get back from Clare Melford, a note arrives at everyone's houses.
It's from Dr. Aarons.
He wishes to know what the results of the investigations are, and whether they recommend Roby be released in nine days.
The next day after you get back from Clare Melford, a note arrives at everyone's houses.
It's from Dr. Aarons.
He wishes to know what the results of the investigations are, and whether they recommend Roby be released in nine days.
🤨 🤨
" you're going to get Roby out and then ignore all of this going forward, right?"
"Well, first I was going to let you know, so I could tell you you were right to trust your gut and not go to Clare Melford. for Roby... I don't want him out until we know more at the very least. But I'm not sure if I can convince Dr Aarons."
"Even the ones that are out there are bad enough! There's some... mad things about whistles, too, which Roby seems associated with."
"There are some whistles that supposedly 'increase your magical power.'"
Ruby may read that as however sarcastic as she wishes to read it.
"They keep popping up around Roby. There was even the sound of one the night his family died."
"I suppose someone might blow them before they commit a murder. If it's a human sacrifice, or something like that."
"...I hadn't even thought of that. God, I hope not.
It'd be so much nicer if this was all some sort of... callous accident."
"A lot of occult people are interested in the deviant.
Most of them are just posturing, trying to look cool. Using it as a way to trick other people into bed with them."
"If only they were all doing that, it seems. Flirty flim-flammery is so much nicer than... this."
"I rather like being tricked into bed, myself."
More serious: "Don't get caught up in this, William."
"I certainly don't intend to get into spells or summonings."
He sighs performatively. "I'll just have to seduce people with my charm and wit."
"I mean it. There is no good to come from getting involved in these people. You already almost died-- and don't tell me you didn't."
"I don't intend to join them.
...I don't think I can completely avoid this, not with how far I've gone. But I'm not going to go start putting up monoliths. I promise that."
"I do feel like I should at least see the Roby case out--it pays very well, at least--'re aware of Chris Parker, yes?"
"That's the one. His fiancée needs out, and, well. You know me. I can never say no to a damsel in distress."
"--I'm not planning to die. But I can't leave her to die, or to have her spend the rest of her life with him, which may as well be a very similar thing!"