Obedience wasn't what Asmodeanism was all about. Obedience turned you into Sallina's father, weak and snivelling as he begged the tax collectors not to take away the jewelry, saying it was worthless, it had sentimental value, like anyone who mattered would have any sort of sentiment about cheap jewels.
Asmodeus was the god of tyranny and pride, wasn't he? His favorites were people who were tyrannical and proud. The special ones. Everyone else was so much cattle for His favorites to use.
Sallina had known she would be one of the special ones since she was a little kid, ever since she shoved a small child on the playground and took his lunch money and revelled in the feeling that she got twice as much and he got nothing. She was a wizard, wasn't she? She was top of her class, wasn't she? She deserved to have everything she wanted. She was going to be Chrisor or Abrogail. They would recognize her as one of their equals. They would know how special she was, how much better she was than the weak people they crushed.
Bun was one of the weak ones. He needed to be taken into hand, told what to do. The weak ones liked that kind of thing, not that you had to pay attention to what they wanted. Sallina's ex-girlfriend had had to be Dazed and threatened with Acid Splash a couple of times, but she eventually realized that she was much happier with Sallina to tell her what to do. It would be the same thing with Bun.
It had to be, right?
Because if it wasn't-- if he wasn't-- Sallina's mind flinched away from completing the thought.
She had to be right. She was one of the special ones.
She decides-- yes, decides, she is like Chrisor, she is like Abrogail, she is in control of the situation-- that Bun needs to allow himself to have this victory. She'll be firmer with him later, when he least expects it. He'll benefit from an Acid Splash.
She could tell Tanidio, he has more magic to threaten Bun with, but-- her mind flinches away from the half-formed prediction of what would happen-- she should do it on her own. Chrisor wouldn't need help.
She stands up and goes off to study.