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"--Well, I think we can agree that Levrolurment isn't very helpful in these matters."


"I hate gnomes."

Bun knows how weak and needy he is now and how could Bun not have contempt for him that was the most pathetic thing that anyone has ever done

If Bun wants to humiliate him that will make Bun more Evil and the only thing he is supposed to worry about is making Bun more evil. Is Hell going to care about his pride? Not as long as he doesn't deserve to be proud. 


"Maybe other gnomes are more helpful."


"--I feel I should say straight out that I'm bothered only because you seem bothered? If you want me to pretend that never happened, I will."


"--other gnomes aren't more helpful, the entire species is like that," he says, because he doesn't know how to deal with the other thing. 


"I guess if you could die of boredom--"


"If we pretend it never happened it might happen again."

--okay. Evil, Tanidio. You can do this. Present a tempting target and then Bun will take advantage of you.


It's an understandable concern! "It's not an... Unknown reaction." (This is a true statement about any combination of stimulus and bodily response.) "I am a doctor. I'm used to this and don't care."


Tanidio's dick, which is banned from having opinions, thinks that Bun's attitude here is incredibly sexy

"I can't imagine that you keep accidentally making your patients ejaculate on their feet."

Permalink is very annoying when he can't be comforting and truthful at the same time. "It's the first time it's happened with my, yes, but I am 90% sure if I had access to the literature, I would find many examples."


Come on, spit it out, spit it out, he's supposed to hurt you--

"I liked you taking care of me."


"That's kind of sweet. And very understandable."



"No, it's weird."


"Liking being taken care of is almost the human condition."


"'re supposed to be able to stand on your own two feet."


"--that doesn't mean you want to, and doesn't mean you always can."


"And you're especially not supposed to-- like-- being weak."


Petting Tanidio in this situation will not help, no matter how much it feels like it would. "It's not always something you get a choice about."


"I think. I like. The thought. Of being sick. And you. Taking care. Of me. All. Gentle and tender and professional and distant--"

The words are being ripped out of him like a dentist using pliers to pull out a rotten tooth. 


Still not petting him! "If you want me to do that, I can. Pretend, I mean. If you get actually sick, I'm looking after you whether you want it or not."


Tanidio is going to slam him against the wall and kiss him, which is a very functional way of dealing with his feelings. 


Well Bun isn't going to complain about this method of communication. Or the excuse to reassuringly stroke his hair.


Is this a good answer to Bun's suggestion that doesn't involve having to actually say words with his mouth. 


He would tell him, but unfortunately his mouth is otherwise occupied.


Tanidio thinks that Bun should get a fully-clothed handjob about this, actually

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