>Leighton: Gunderson, what did you do?
>Gunderson: just opened the datastream
>Gunderson: good signal, checksums match, virus scans clean
>Malomer: You trust the virus scan? :-o
>Gunderson: leighton does
>Gunderson: eta for full data transfer is half an hour, then its mission complete
>Gunderson: easiest gatecrash ever
>Leighton: Sounds like we just need to sit tight, then.
>Malomer: Wish it would stop screaming... :-(
The creatures seem to relax, postures becoming a little less tense, and they start paying more attention to their surroundings, less on the gem.
When the gem makes a break for it, the clearest route being back the way it came, there's a moment of disbelief and confusion before the figures start moving. The oddly spindly one runs after it first, swiftly overtaken by the one carrying the big object.
>Malomer: Movement!
>Gunderson: after it!
>Gunderson: chose a short range high bandwidth protocol
>Gunderson: we got to stay close
>Malomer: Could be leading us into a trap... >:-|
>Malomer: I'll take the lead >:-|
>Leighton: Hanging back and dropping breadcrumbs.
>Leighton: Safeties off, but let's not be the aggressors.
>Leighton: We don't need to catch it, just stay in range until the transfer's done.
A chase ensues: three transhuman figures running after the nose cone they were sent across the galaxy to retrieve, which has now grown legs to run away from them. The one in the lead maintains a steady loping pace, keeping closer watch on the ground and the few rocks offering cover beyond the bluffs than on the fleeing gem. Then comes the spindly one, scrambling after the gem with a gait unbalanced by how both hands are keeping their radio device raised and pointing at it. The last of the group has a stubby device in one hand and another object at their side is dropping tiny fluorescent cubes at a steady rate, each of which gives a weak shortwave chirp at regular intervals.
They're not trying to outrun the gem or catch it, only to stay close. Unfortunately for the gem, these creatures are of a species that once survived as pursuit predators, and that capacity for endurance running has only been enhanced by their recent foray into tool use and technology.