"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
"Can You stop giving Keltham cleric spells. As a - warning to him, that something is wrong -"
"No - We did try to make the case to Otolmens, actually, but She quite reasonably rejected it."
"The gods do have a reasonably sophisticated conception of the status quo that isn't 'not taking any actions', and taking non-actions can be an intervention, otherwise none of this would work at all."
"There's certainly a case to be made that in the ordinary course of events You would have withdrawn Your support from Keltham at this point? In light of how he's helping Cheliax conquer the world, and You condemn wars of conquest. I realize there's the question of how knowingly he can be said to be doing anything he's doing, but -"
"Tried it. Split off a bunch of threads of attention and fed them different subsets of information We might reasonably have had about the situation if We'd not been paying it close attention. A couple of them de-cleric him but most don't.
And We don't - want to do that, anyway, except insofar as he's relying on his spells as an assurance he's on track that We have a duty not to give him if We can avoid it. He's inventing all the chemical industry needed to make the world stunningly rich. He's doing everything right. He's just ....doing it in Cheliax."
"My money's on Andoran, actually, unless we force their hand. Navies take time to build, Nefreti's an unpredictable variable, and once they have Andoran they have a much better position from which to hit us. ...I'm aware that is not very reassuring."
One of the houseplants against the wall turns into Nefreti Clepati. "Your staff overwaters those plants, did you know?"
"Cheliax is lying to you about Hell," Cedtara says, first, just in case that's all she gets to say, and Cheliax does not swoop in to steal him back right that minute so: "Hell is a place of torture. Most people don't become devils. Most people just suffer forever. Even the ones who become devils lose everything about them along the way. There are thousands of times more people there than there are here in Golarion, and most of them long for death every minute of every day."
She's got some freaky facepaint, and scarification on both cheeks and down both arms. Her eyes are scanning the environment like she expects them to explode at any second.
"How do you propose I figure out if that's true or false? Who are you? How did I get here?"
"Ask your god for the spell 'Vision of Hell', fourth circle. I'm Cedtara. This is Pyrissis -" gesturing at the door. "We're trying to end the world. We need your help."
"Pyrissis doesn't tell me anything, neither does Cedtara for that matter, that's something I would have thought myself unlikely to go along with so how are you planning to persuade me, how did I get here."
"Grabbed you out of your bedroom. They almost certainly know you're gone. We have Nondetection up but it shouldn't, actually, stand against Cheliax actually trying, so we're probably going to get caught in the next minute or two. You would understand that the world had to end if you understood what it's actually like. Suffering, suffering, suffering, from birth to death and long after, inescapable, involuntary. Very few people would choose to be born into this world, if they got a choice, or choose to have children, if they got a choice about that. It all has to go."
"Ask living people. Scry dead people. It's not a secret except from you, any book about Hell you read that Cheliax didn't select for you will say it, any person you ask that Cheliax didn't choose will know it. Presumably Abadar, have you got a first-circle truth spell?"
"Yes, tell me what symbol that spell would show according to you, and I've noticed you not answering my question about how you even know I exist."