"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
Next up, She's going to tell Nidal that Zon-Kuthon is dying and they'd better launch an offensive against Cheliax before their strength further diminishes.
Snack Service said Nidal recently noticed they lost eighth-circle spells and that they were going to launch an offensive soon! Snack Service didn't say the two facts were connected!
Snack Service would never lie to the Asmodeans, but still, Asmodeans, they're into that sort of fun, right?
By the time Peranza reaches Hell the fragments of Iomedae's attention have struck out to work the plans that She formed before diminishing, and answer the questions that remained to her at the height of her focus, and observe the pieces that will either move in her favor, or not.
It's a heroic effort, but it's one that is expected to produce a world worse than the one Keltham landed on; if it were otherwise, She'd have done all these things long ago.
In a gentler world, where there was less of a premium on Her resources, Iomedae would look in on the girl who cried out to her, whose body is now a statue and whose soul is now in Hell, and maybe try to let her know, while she still remembers her name, that it mattered; but Iomedae has never lived in a gentler world, and does not look, or offer a bid for the information, or devote more than a flicker of computation to grief.
Once Peranza is in the Gardens of Erecura, Cayden Cailean will gift Iomedae a fragment of observation (passed on from the luckier fragment of Nethys who watches over that place) showing Peranza robed now in white, her feet in an endlessly flowing stream, speaking of lesser mysteries with other souls in the Garden; bright and happy and shining Lawful Good.
This information must not be used in a way which disadvantages Asmodeus, such as to suggest to any of His other victims that a similar safety might be on offer to them if they defected.
And that, combined with the rest, would have been enough to see the whole thing, but it is not safe for Iomedae to focus Herself so intently again; decades were lost on work of great importance to Her in even the short time She did it.
She nods, and passes upwards a flicker of confusion about why intervene here and not in the hundreds of other similar people this happens to every day and the flicker of confusion goes unresolved, for long enough.
Pilar hears, later that Long Night, that Peranza suffered some kind of major mental break, details locked behind the infohazard containment conditions for that section of the Project, and is now a statue pending there being actual Chelish ilani to talk with her.
She knows immediately that her earlier adventure must have been to talk Abarco (he's the one who took her cookie, looking not particularly happy about it) out of doing something severe to Peranza in the hopes of gathering more information from her. Which, yes, Keltham would not have been happy about, even if turned to Evil, obviously.
Pilar is not quite able to stop herself from thinking that this is the result of her first, brief attempt to be spiteful -
Pilar. It's okay.
What happened to Peranza would've happened to her eventually, even if Pilar hadn't made the suggestion she did. It would've happened to Peranza even if Snack Service had never come to Pilar.
It wouldn't benefit Asmodeus for other people on the Project to hear this part, it'd move them from a state of mind more useful to Him to a less useful state of mind, but -
Peranza will be all right.
Only Pilar can be the judge of that. Snack Service was telling her so that the matter didn't actually come between Pilar and Asmodeus. Snack Service has been thoroughly instructed by Pilar not to care about Pilar, after all.
"I'm sorry - I could try, I guess, to stay on the Project and - but I don't think I'd be much good, to anyone, like this - not worth anyone's investment -"
Ignasi of House Manric, eighth-circle wizard of Cheliax, borrowed from the Nidal front lines to Detect Keltham's thoughts, is going to leave the Fortress considerably more impressed with the 'Chosen of Asmodeus' than was Manohar.
Keltham's thoughts show not even a flicker of suspicion, of 'Peranza'. It doesn't even occur to Keltham to think about Glimpse of Beyond, and how he doesn't have it prepared today. The Chosen's lie seems to have been perfectly fitted to this otherworlder; from Keltham's thoughts it seems that this is something that happens often in dath ilan, even in the matter specifically of greater mastery of Law being something that sometimes produces a collapse of self-deceptions inside somebody about how much they enjoy being alive, and them not being able to live with themselves after that, and going into 'cryosuspension' early. Keltham feels bad about not seeing it coming as a possibility, though even if he had, there's not much he could or should have done about it.
The only flicker of suspicion, in Keltham, is about how it seems almost like a fear drawn specifically from his own thoughts. He rejects it after a moment's consideration; if the hypothetical Conspiracy could read his mind and get that degree of information about dath ilan, why do they need him for anything, and also there's no clear prior reason whatsoever why the hypothetical Conspiracy would need to yank Peranza in particular off the Project, that Keltham knows about. 'Base rates', Keltham thinks; this happens often in Civilization, and it should happen even more often in Golarion where people's lives are less happy.
It hardly seems like there's anything for Ignasi to do here at all. The Chosen's plan appears to be playing out perfectly. Though of course, given the catastrophic delicacy and importance of Project Lawful, it's understandable that they did call him in, just in case, for a major event like this one.
"People in Civilization do sometimes take a week, or a year, to think about it first. Talk with family or friends or sometimes a Keeper. I mean, that - that assumes the existence of Quiet Cities, or just that you have enough savings to take time off like that - and that you've got drugs to try, or cognitherapists to speak to - and you don't owe your own existence in this place to anyone - but, I'm just saying, people in Civilization, would usually do that."
"Cheliax, Golarion, isn't really set up to have an option like that, for people. I'm very sure I'm not going to change my mind. But, I guess I do have the money, to take a week off, somewhere that isn't here, but still where Security can see me."
"I'm so sorry for - for wasting all the effort you invested in me, for, for - everything, really."
"I'm sorry too. Sometimes it happens that - people's self-deception that they're happy, makes them less sad, enough to continue. They don't dwell on the negative emotions they're not letting themselves see. It's - one of the famous examples of arguably infohazardous information, that if you delude yourself into thinking you're very happy and not sad at all, you can still be happier than the sadness you're not letting yourself see, and then when you stop self-deceiving about that, you don't want to keep going. I mean it's not a fun way to be and you wouldn't want to have kids, if that was the heritage you were giving them, but sometimes people like that, if they're given a chance to continue on, can improve or put themselves together before they realize -"
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I volunteered. I got paid."
"I wouldn't actually have wanted my past self to go on like I was, even not knowing. I wasn't - actually happy."
Keltham doesn't cry, doesn't even let himself be too overtly sad at her, because that is not polite and somebody in her situation does not need to be doing emotional labor about his own emotions.
Of course if you're Chelish you don't need Detect Thoughts to read him anyways.
"Goodbye, Peranza. See you in Hell, maybe."
"Please don't go looking for me there, for a while. I'll tell the devils if I get into shape to talk to anyone, but I don't want to be - thinking about that, trying for that, I just want to rest for a time first."
"Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean - to imply anything like that."
"Goodbye, Peranza, period."