"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
Well, Peranza will actually not-scream then. Would've been nice to be hurting enough not to think earlier, before it was too late. At least she doesn't have to try so hard not to think of things, now.
She still won't break. Yet. She hasn't been in Hell long, there's still any number of factors, sheer Project Lawful weirdness, that might save her -
She's still not even being unusually slow about breaking, though she's now being paid less attention.
Future Civilization won't be happy about this. They'll make the devil hurt ten times as much as she gets hurt, even if it's thirty years later that they come for her. Yes that's a threat, since devils are into those.
They're really not. Devils are Lawful beings, see. Humans who just invented the concept of not giving in to threats don't tend to take more than a few days at most to realize they do actually give in to threats; it takes a lot of centuries to hammer that out of them.
"You shouldn't feel too bad," the voice inside Peranza's head assures her soothingly. "More than ninety percent of new slaves are still thinking angry defiant things about revenge at this stage; you're not unusually slow at all."
Then this wretched mockery of an agent will get to think its own angry defiant thoughts for a time, when Civilization comes for it, and Peranza when she is healed will bear it eager witness.
The desire to torment your tormentors is a very healthy, very Hellish desire. Some devils are built half on that. Not that this one gets to be a devil, of course, but.
Shortly after that, and with some irritation, the Countess Kherreonoskelis departs to receive a messenger. She hasn't released the sale listing, yet, so it can't be about that.
Shortly after that, and with considerably more irritation, the Countess Kherreonoskelis returns, and dismisses the fire, and hands her unexpectedly-worthless prize over to the devil assigned to convey her on to her next destination.
It takes her a time to recover, to start again, after the fire stops.
Time does not usually run strangely in Hell, it is a Lawful place not a Chaotic one. Space here, on the other hand, is oftimes tormented and punished until it brokenly submits to the will of its superiors.
They are traveling down a long winding path, down and down the side of a stony mountain glowing in patches with its own heat, suggestive of leading to a lower plane of Hell, rather than from one part of Dis to another. Cage after cage after cage is set into the side of that mountain, along that pathway. Most of the cages do not glow dully red, but even those cages that don't, there is a wavering about them recognizable as heat.
Bad slaves in Dis are sent here, to scream and sob for weeks or months, while angrier things chained in those cages for centuries or millennia do express their wrath and sate their urges. If you were entirely fresh meat to Hell, who'd never seen any part of Hell but Dis, you might think that you were witnessing cruelty indulged rather than moderate correction of a petitioner. You might think that the screaming, begging, coherent-word-using wretches in the cages were what souls look like in Hell when they are broken.
Akkakarasot holds the meat aloft by her hair, in one hand, to let her see.
That observation might have had a different effect on a Peranza who hadn't spent the last weeks immersed in a Conspiracy desperately trying to keep a true dath ilani deluded, being warned over and over by Asmodia of how Keltham might apply the Law of Filtered Evidence.
Would there be a prior possibility, of significant probability, that next Peranza would be taken deeper into Hell as she was promised?
Of course, a pretty large one. But she was previously being hurt and being told that pain is inescapable, that this was an important lesson to her. When she was first cast into the Countess's dwelling, as an important Project Lawful girl, she was dragged through walls of flame. When she couldn't stop herself from thinking of the Queen's instruction, her torment was increased. Since the Countess returned from her brief absence, she hasn't been hurt at all. This does not seem like the way of Hell, this does not feel like Hell's style and signature.
Would there be a prior possibility that they'd try to raise Peranza's hopes only to cast her down?
Think about what this possibility would predict, before you'd seen any particular observations that purportedly result. They could tell her some lie about her rescue, if they wanted to produce that result, Peranza would have believed it and probably without question in her state of desperation and hope. Or if they didn't want to lie, they could escort her through relatively peaceful and well-appointed pathways of Hell, guarded by Resistance, visibly protected.
Telling her nothing, taking her someplace that looks terrifying, while not hurting her, sounds a lot more like they're not allowed to lie and aren't allowed to hurt her and are hoping she makes mistakes on her own.
Could they cleverly anticipate what Peranza would think, of possible plots, and show her what she would infer was Hell trying to conceal good news from Peranza?
Peranza might have been more deceived by that thought, if she hadn't been a minor player herself, for so long, in Cheliax's desperately struggling Conspiracy.
Peranza has seen what happened with Asmodia and her headband. Peranza has heard about Keltham's time-travel hypothesis to explain the strangeness there. Peranza has been told even about Keltham's Detected thoughts about how Conspiracy Cheliax wouldn't plot all that weirdness to talk him out of using a headband since they could have just not told him about Fox's Cunning in the first place.
And she grasps on an intuitive level, now, that when the Conspiracy is treating you one way consistently, and then suddenly switches to a totally different policy, the most likely reason is not that they have done something incredibly clever to fool you by anticipating your guesses, it’s that things didn't go according to their plan.
...but her sudden inexplicable death, just as Abarco was about to really get started on her, in Golarion where mortals break more easily - that part of this probable Project Lawful fuckery - from tropes, from Iomedae, from Cayden Cailean, Peranza doesn't even know, she wasn't really hoping didn't really hope until now - that part happened in Cheliax. There were no incredibly clever devils there.
...she died immediately after making her resolution not to break, in fact; a resolution she’d need to hold to, briefly, for her brief time in Hell. A careful timing, and a caring one.
In the midst of Hell, in the midst of screams, being carried down a steep winding path through a mountain glowing with heat and pain, being held up by her hair by a terrifying hooded devil -
- gripping enough of her hair that it doesn't even hurt, to be held so, and it's obvious when she looks down that the real reason he's carrying her is that the path below them is strewn with barbed needles, and to protect her from that would give away more than they wish -
- in the midst of Hell, Peranza is laughing.
Oh, she is, she is, because on all of the actually reasonable hypotheses for how she'd come to be carried here, that don't sound like a Conspiracy trying desperately to cover its mistakes, he would have hurt her badly the moment she started laughing.
She didn't believe it, Peranza now realizes, she didn't really believe one single thing she thought, that needed to be true or that she needed to believe in order for her to talk her way out. She was just in the midst of one more giant self-deception, woven entirely out of things that she desperately needed or wanted to believe, that she had to believe in order to persuade the people around her.
The pathway of an ilani really isn't easy, is it. She's not even close to being one. One of their seven-year-olds, instead of one of their six-year-olds, at best.
Hope and joy and relief are kindled in her now, blazing in her like a newborn star, and their light illuminates everything so differently from suppressed fear sublimated into desperation.
She's not even sure she can count how many incredibly blatantly stupid things she thought under that pressure.
Civilization punish devils?
They never would.
It's not what Civilization is.
There will not be a war on Hell, when the time comes.
There will be a rescue operation on Hell.
Some of the things in cages can sense the alignments of souls, and those lunge forward against their bars, howling with hunger as Peranza of Civilization passes them, for the smell of something as Lawful Good as that is like honey and wine and an angel's roasted liver.
She doesn't particularly want to live with this hope, if it's false (for that which can be destroyed by the truth should be), and so she starts doing something that should definitely get her shut down if she's not protected.
Besides. To help others is also Civilization's way.
"Hold on!" shouts Peranza, through the winding pathway where the bad souls of Dis are punished. She screams it loudly enough to hurt her throat, it's not like she can damage her throat that way. "Hold on! Hold onto as much of yourselves as you can, for as long as you can! Things in Golarion are changing, and Civilization is coming! In twenty years or two centuries this will end! Look how I say this and am not punished! Hold to hope, for help is on the way!"