"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
It's okay, she wants to say, apparently tropes are real so you don't have to worry about normal things like cause and effect and the base rate of things working out for people who want to reform Cheliax.
She's so mad about that.
"I do believe we're done here. Goodbye, Keltham out of dath ilan. All that you prize in Cheliax will still be here waiting for your return, when you return."
"Thanks for having me. It was a lot of fun right up to the end, if you ignore all the quiet notes of disquiet that I should not, apparently, have ignored."
Keltham taps his own forehead, and his last truthspell flashes Abadar's sign into existence.
"Just so we're very clear here. I taught you very little of the Law I know and nothing I considered relatively dangerous. If Cheliax uses what I've taught it to threaten other countries, I will tell Osirion to draw a circle on a map of Cheliax and then I'll destroy everything inside that circle."
"That's not a threat. It's my policy on cleaning up my own messes, and not inconveniencing others through my own stupidity. You're free to do with that fact what you like."
Would he really - but, yes, he would. And maybe resurrect her afterwards.
(Is that not a threat? It really seems like a threat. Somewhere along the way Carissa lost track of what a threat is.)
"Sure," Keltham says, though he's not sure how much more reserve he has - actually he's being stupid should've just had somebody tap him with Eagle's Splendour again.
"They're, uh, little bitty swords that make you better at bluffing. I invented them because the project had us lying a lot. Just in case you need it."
She hands him one.
"I wasn't really planning to do a lot of lying, but - okay." He takes it and doesn't activate it.
Ione is gone, so now it's her job, Asmodia guesses.
"Keltham, the Project has been hugely sheltering you in a lot of ways, you are way too easy to read and you will need that pin. I'd suggest you activate it right now, and if not then definitely before talking to any royalty of Osirion, even if you're not planning to lie."
"Further warning, the Pharaoh of Osirion will be able to read you anyways. His Sense Motive is said to basically be nonmagical Detect Thoughts. There's rules you will find strange about what you're not allowed to say in Osirion about the Pharaoh. Ask about those very quickly."
(Asmodia only knows any of this due to hanging around Korva, to be clear.)
"I'm going to miss you. Don't - hurt yourself - and, once you're ready, come back for me. If you take too long about it I might send additional presents so I can at least rest assured you're not lonely and miserable without a single overengineered sex toy to keep you company."
"Don't worry, if you're a real person, I'll definitely be seeing you later. Possibly after literally anything standing between us has been obliterated."
"Broom, I can notice you now, stop that."
"Right, well, this is Broom, agent of the goddess whose purpose is hidden, I don't really get him very much, he can turn invisible, I would prefer he not do that around me though, I assume you've got contacts with his people, bring him along but maybe check him out before you let him loose."
"Broom, former halfling slave sweeping the halls in the archduke of Sirmium's villa, before I was chosen as the oracle of that goddess in the same moment as was Ione Sala chosen of Nethys. Aspexia Rugatonn did not wish to interfere with Her purposes, whatever they might be."
The Osirians look utterly unsurprised. "In Osirion halflings are free," their leader says. "We'll take you."
Broom will extend a hand, then, in the same moment as does Keltham.
Broom is, in fact, rather cheerful about this turn of events, though he doesn't show it, of course.