"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
...Asmodia is going to note that she doesn't think Sevar is functioning at full capacity and, absent direction from her superiors, make her own guesses.
Her guess is that part of what's going on is that Keltham will otherwise stop by the Temple of the All-Seeing Eye and hear Ione's version of everything, only; and this will not particularly serve Asmodeus's interests.
She notes that Keltham is fully aware of the Law of Filtered Evidence, which means that Asmodia is going to give the unfiltered version, because Keltham may very well directly ask her about filters or what updates he'd make if he knew all info she was leaving out.
If anybody wants that to not happen, she needs to hear otherwise from her superiors.
And she's striding forwards to receive her truthspell.
Tap. And a dozen different people suspiciously Detecting for signs of tampering.
"I don't like doing this on Chelish soil but I see no indications of any of the spells that could be used to deceive a truth spell," the Osirian leader reports to Keltham. "To have deceived us about this they'd have to have magical capabilities no one else knows about, which I'd generally just assure you is close to impossible. However, they've been displaying some of those lately, so -" Shrug.
"It is."
"From my perspective, this all started when I was yanked from Ostenso academy and told that I was now a gift to a visiting outsider -"
"Pause. Is somebody recording all this so I can review the transcripts later," because if this is actual base reality then possibly what Snack Service is trying to do here is give Keltham the full story that he can verify makes sense in retrospect, or somebody is trying to create the appearance of that, and Keltham is not able right now to check consistency as he goes - "Also can I get assurance that I'm not currently under any form of mind control and nobody is currently reading my mind, according to you, or whatever you say is your ability to detect that or counter that."
"You do not appear to be the subject of any ongoing spells except Tongues and Share Language. It's not hard to fake that. I can have everyone Dispel Magic on you, which is harder to fake. I can also just put up an antimagic field around you, if you'd like, which will cancel any mind-affecting enchantments on you and to my knowledge cannot be subverted or falsified. Abadar did also pay Asmodeus to communicate to his followers that you were absolutely not to be mind-controlled, so I don't expect you are.
With your permission I can cast Spell Immunity: Detect Thoughts on you, which will stop them from reading your mind, which they might well be doing. We aren't doing it.
There's also an invisible halfling next to the girl Cayden's been puppeting."
"Can I get Dispel Magics on me, then a new Share Language Taldane and Spell Immunity Detect Thoughts?" Hard to decide between that and antimagic field but Carissa was trying hard to push antimagic if that wasn't a double bluff and Spell Immunity was what Keltham's god tried to grant him. "And, Broom, please stop that. And, transcripts possible?"
"We can provide full transcripts."
A wash of Dispel Magics, at least a dozen of them - just to be safe - and then a new Tongues, two new Share Languages - Taldane and Osirian - and a Spell Immunity Detect Thoughts.
"Go ahead, Asmodia." He's halfway numb, mostly planning to review transcripts later for the coherence check.
"This started when I was yanked from Ostenso academy on half an hour's notice and told I was now part of a seduction mission on a visiting human outsider, whom Asmodeus had designated as important in a vision, and who'd expressed interests in having lots of kids, and who was being deceived about the nature of Evil, Asmodeus, and Cheliax. It was said that you were of high Intelligence and your children might be valuable to Cheliax."
"The topic of whether I wanted to have sex with you was not, I think, one that it occurred to anybody in this process, including myself, might be at all relevant."
"I'd grown up in Cheliax, and I was one of the top students at the academy. One of the top students who gets to punish the weak students, not one of the poor performers who get punished. I don't think I was as distressed as Ione was, by having to practice Acid Splash on prisoners and criminals and, yes, occasionally orphans with no other uses except to damn us. I thought of myself as one of the ambitious ones, who makes something of herself and doesn't just do well in class, even if that meant taking risks. I've had about as much sex as the average Ostenso student, mostly with people who would have had the power to hurt me otherwise, occasionally in trade for favors, because whether you want anything is not particularly relevant to the game you play to not end up one of the weak students at the bottom."
"We didn't know how often our minds were being read for signs of disloyalty. I'd guess around once a month officially, but all of us second-circles were trying Detect Thoughts on each other and weaker students all the time."
"Next significant event at the villa - when Ione got oracled and they decided that the rest of us needed to sell our souls to Hell before any other gods touched us - the implicit 'or else die and go to Hell anyways' wasn't said explicitly, but it was pretty obvious -"
Deep breath. "I tried, the only time in my life, because I thought - it wouldn't matter, after I sold my soul, they let you think more of your own thoughts after that, it's said - I asked any of the Good gods to, protect me, if that was possible, or kill me and take my soul, if they couldn't, because I thought, just once, that maybe - maybe they'd lied to me about everything - about the Good gods being weak, or about my already being damned to Hell -"
"None of the gods of Good came for me."
"The devil who I bargained with told me that I'd been a bad slave. I was only allowed to sell my soul to them and live, instead of dying and going to Hell anyways, if I could manage to sincerely thank him for giving me that chance."
"I had a bad night, that night, after selling my soul, because of my heresy. Don't really feel like talking about what Security did to me."
"Everything changed when Nidal attacked."
"I died, and - hold on -"
Message to Pilar: I need direction from Snack Service on what I'm allowed to say here?
Message: Snack Service says to be accurately but imprecisely reassuring, password is 'password'.
((Password is password - the password on the old Forbiddance was 'Erecura'. Okay then.))
"And Snack Service just now told me to be accurately but imprecisely reassuring."
"I didn't have as bad of a time in Hell as Osirion would expect."
"You should probably not make general updates about Hell from that fact."
"I started to do better at mastering Law than the others. I got promoted to being the main consistency-checker on the world we were weaving. The Most High let me borrow her crown, her artifact headband, for two hours, to see if I could figure anything out. It did send me manic afterwards, but I told Security to light my hand on fire for five rounds and that solved it. The mania wasn't permanent, that part was an excuse for my getting a +6 Wisdom headband and to try to get you to not use headbands yourself."
"Um, key background facts, we all got Rings of Sustenance, which let us sleep for only two hours per night and still get spells the next day, and also four times during the early days they turned you into a statue overnight so the rest of us would have time to catch up on, sleep, and things. That's when headband weirdness had time to happen."
"I am in fact asexual. I ended up as the one who stands back and watches it all. The tropes are probably real and we've been hiding that from you, the part where I am in fact asexual is my own piece of that, but there sure are others from what I've been told."
"Other stuff happened that got hidden from you, I got turned temporarily into a dragon and got a permanent +1 Intelligence boost from a god, I don't think that part actually matters to our relationship."
"The part that matters is that - you're the only one who's ever held me in bed without - something I didn't want, being impending, after that."
"When we were fighting our last desperate battle to keep you unawares, I - obviously had to do my professional best to keep you, because they'd hurt me, otherwise - but the part that really made me forget, that I secretly wanted you to win, was that I wouldn't get to hold you and be held by you again, if you left."
"I'm not really loyal to Cheliax, and they know that, but they have power over me and they're reading my mind. I don't think - I'm giving very much away to anyone - when I say that I'd give a lot to get out of this place. But as it stands, I expect that what happens is I go back to the Project and work on improving spellsilver production and trying to teach Chelish ilani, until... um. Until you do something that disrupts that status quo. I expect it will probably not be very long."
"This is the truth, according to you?" Keltham says to the Osirian. His voice is cracking some.
"Yes. Both in the sense I don't see how they faked it, and in the sense it fits with what we know."
"According to you, was there a godwar between Asmodeus and Zon-Kuthon, eighty-four days ago?"
Oh, so that's supposedly still true on this layer of reality, then. Fun.
It doesn't modify Keltham's decision to go with the 'Osirians'. He's used his best idea for leaving, and staying around in the previous layer of reality that's now been revealed to be full of hypothetical torturegod does not seem particularly wiser.
"Well, if this is reality, I'm not particularly going to leave reality like that, no."
"Any else, Asmodia?"
"I'm -"
"I apparently can't say I'm sorry."
"It was the most fun I ever had and the happiest I've ever been, and I'm sorry that I can't say I'm sorry, but I'm not."
She kisses him, then. It's not their first kiss, but it's the first kiss from the real Asmodia.
Keltham allows it, though he doesn't kiss back. It's possible this Asmodia is real and if she's real he doesn't want to hurt her feelings.
And Asmodia steps back. A piece of her heart is breaking, possibly, but only a small piece, and hopefully only temporarily.
She believes in him.
This will not be forever.
...though it's possibly a bad sign that he didn't ask her if she was leaving anything out.