"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
She will attempt to apply the earrings to Sevar... how easy are these earrings to apply to somebody who is (possibly pretending to be) not cooperative?
Well, obviously, they were designed to be possible to put on an uncooperative person should that seem like fun.
"Several possibilities but the one I was betting on was that you've still got that magic item you used to cancel Sevar's magic, and you brought it along with you into this place along with all of your unbanked money. Fallback, that Sevar has a spell or item that makes Asmodia safe to take with. Worst case is killing her and taking along her body so we can resurrect her at the destination."
"If you predicted I had the Curse of Magic Negation item, why did you just make me break Carissa's - because I didn't prep Remove Curse and we need Carissa's magic to Teleport, never mind."
He'll get out the rod of Curse of Magic Negation, which, yes, he's got with him along with all of his platinum pieces.
"Sorry I'm late, had to get my spellbook and my money first for obvious reasons."
"Sure. Whatever. Come on in." He'll lend Asmodia a hand to pull her up.
He's glad he doesn't have to hurt Asmodia, in this skit. They didn't have that kind of relationship. Well. If they had any kind of relationship, it wasn't that one.
"Keltham -"
"Asmodia, why would you actually be defecting just like that, Hell owns your soul."
"Not even slightly the kind of problem that'd stop an ilani. Worst case, I get a Plane Shift to Abaddon at the end of my life, and gamble on ending up somewhere else just like Keltham did."
"The part where we're still in Cheliax surrounded by Security is more of a problem. Is there a plan for that?"
"Is there a reason that plan can't work, because we are short on time here, Asmodia -"
At this moment a tiny glowing circle appears on the wall of the Rope Trick, and then grows abruptly into a much larger portal, through which an elderly woman is visible. She's sitting in an armchair with a thick book open on her lap. "Were you looking for a scroll of Teleport? I sell those."
"Cost?" Keltham says.
Chance this is real... possibly higher, he'd go to 20% because it feels more like Snack Service and less like the usual Conspiracy.
"For each scroll of Teleport, you must promise to entertain an old woman for one minute while she tries to persuade you that your plans for it are a terrible idea."
"Right, so, okay, creating common knowledge, the previous escape plan was fake, this was not part of it, I hate Cheliax, for all the obvious reasons that's why, Ione likely hates Cheliax too, do not free Sevar she's complicated, there's very few people in the Inner Sea who can cast Gate and only one who'd look like that, who's also the one who'd plausibly know where we are, that's Nefreti Clepati, high priestess of Nethys hence why Ione is kneeling to her, she's plausibly one of the relatively better mysterious figures to make a weird deal with, you should not do that with an Asmodean."
"Creating more common knowledge, Gate is actually a spell for transportation, not for talking! You can just walk through it!"
She stands up, sets the book down, and does so. Then, for some reason, she frowns at the floor of the Rope Trick and -
"I hate to be pushy, but Gate's duration is two rounds per caster circle, so if you want to buy a Teleport scroll, or escape to freedom, you should probably do that promptly."