"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
And three uniformed people visibly straight off the front lines in Nidal (you'd get in a lot of trouble for wearing a uniform that crumpled if you hadn't been summoned straight out of a war zone) walk in, holding an enormous top-tier scrying mirror and a very magic silk bag.
This subtlety, like so many other subtleties, will be wholly lost on the young man out of dath ilan, who considers a bathrobe to be appropriate attire for the Chief Executive of Civilization.
"Hi. Thanks for coming. I probably shouldn't explain anything that hasn't been explained already."
"There should be a person who can do a lesser Teleport out to a destination I'll specify and Teleport back, a Greater Scry scroll and someone who can cast from it, and a Comprehend Languages scroll hopefully the divine version."
"This is Lord Marshal Fennelosa, wizard of the seventh rank, military emergencies unit, Her Majesty's Third; he'll be teleporting for you today. You're actually going to need a Greater Teleport if you want the teleporter to be able to go to a destination they have not previously seen, and they'll still need a pretty detailed description in that case. I am Paracount Fertinan Arayo, wizard of the seventh rank, from Her Majesty's personal security, and I'll cast the scry for you. In addition to a Greater Scry and a scroll of Comprehend Languages I also have a scroll of Detect Intelligence, per the request conveyed to us."
"Yes, thanks, that gets used in a separate experiment."
"Talk me through how Greater Scry works. Assume high Intelligence in me and first-circle wizardy, but that I otherwise have approximately the knowledge of a small village cobbler about that."
(Carissa has authorized some lies, here: in particular, she's decided that you can't scry the dead. Keltham knows you can communicate with them -- with a Sending or similar - but hasn't been told you can observe them, and it's not the kind of thing one would naively expect to be true.)
"'Sure," says Arayo. "Scry' is a fourth circle spell with a one-hour casting time that creates - in a scrying mirror or a still pool of water -- an image of a single target and their immediate surroundings, as viewed from a vantage point above their head. The target can with an act of Will resist being scried, in which case the scry can fail. They could also put up powerful magic on their surroundings which prevent a scrying sensor from forming in their vicinity, in which case the scry would fail. If the target is dead, the scry will also fail. The spell can be made more specific, more precise, and harder for the target to throw off if the caster has a better concept of the target or has some possession or body part of the target's in hand when they attempt the scry. Cantrips such as Detect Magic sometimes work through a scry, but they require extra finesse to manage and will fail if the scry is of low magical quality. It lasts about two minutes per caster circle.
Greater Scry is a seventh-circle spell with a one-round casting time that does the same thing, except the scry is of higher magical quality and it's easier to get cantrips to function through it and it lasts about two hours per caster circle."
"Is there a standard way of allowing the scryer to get a wider view, with a cooperative target?"
Oh shoot, Keltham was unable to stop himself from thinking of the obvious solution about carrying around a mirror that would reflect the surroundings. Plausibly be slightly harder to fake in an illusion, too, though really a curved mirror would be best for that, he could look in closely to see if the curved mirror had the right kind of distortions, as might be hard for an illusion spell to fake if they weren't just casting a veridical curved mirror.
Keltham had wanted to avoid thinking of that, if possible, to see if the Conspiracy would tell him about it or not.
"Scrying with a cooperative target is usually used for military communications, rather than for, uh, getting a look at the surroundings, I'd need to think about it. ....the scrying sensor is reliably some distance about the person's head, so you could use Enlarge Person to make them taller? And of course they could fly around, give you a view of the area from the air."
"Possibly I misunderstood something, when you said the spell only viewed immediate surroundings, if the view-from-the-air trick works. If somebody was standing on a hill somewhere, could you look through the scry out to the horizon? And if not, the obvious solution that comes to mind is for a cooperative target to carry a mirror, that can reflect the more distant surroundings."
"The resolution isn't great but yes, you can see the horizon, and I'd expect a mirror to work fine. We can certainly try it."
"Ready to go literally as soon as I give the destination? And somebody please quickly go grab a mirror, the Project should have several on hand - have Ione deliver it, please."
Keltham thinks about how he's planning to send Ione Sala with them, carrying a bag of money, to follow her while she hires some mercenaries to protect her for a day, with a Telepathic Bond to himself -
he's actually planning Ostenso
he's actually planning Absalom
he's actually sending Asmodia
"If it's somewhere Fennelosa has been to or gotten a good description of, he can depart - from outside the Forbiddance - as soon as you give a destination."
"Ah yes, right, the Forbiddance. Let's start making our way outside, then."
he's actually sending them to the Worldwound
his real plan involves books
his real plan involves Prestidigitation
his real plan involves using a timed chemical reaction whose Lawfully expected duration he'll compute only after the fact, to detect illusions
They start walking out.
"Do you happen to know if the Eleventh's been redeployed," Carissa asks Fennelosa as they walk. "- I'm cleared up to Sensitive, I was deployed with the Tenth and then with the Eleventh before this -"
"They're still up north. - I think covering out to Terthule, because we haven't been replacing losses -"
"Mmm. Thank you."
"Any time. My cousin's in the Eleventh."
She told them not to lie about anything unauthorized, so it's not a lie. With the headband she can calculate in the back of her mind anyway that it'll be suspicious to Keltham, that it'd be better if this man hadn't happened to have a cousin in her regiment.
Alter-Carissa is of course delighted. "- really? Who?"
"Guillem Moya, he's third circle, evocation -"
It's not even a surprising coincidence, but that won't stop Keltham from finding it a suspicious one. "Oh! We've met. ...he was insufferable."
"If all this is ever declassified I'll tell him you said so."
He notices, but there's no obvious reason for the Conspiracy to be any more likely to say that, as a lie. He doesn't know family densities in Cheliax, whether there's correlations in which people get assigned where; it'd be a silly thing to jump on as 'too much coincidence'. If he considered it a likely Conspiracy tactic at all, it would be as a denial-of-service event where Keltham has to think about that stuff. As it stands, it's actually useful to him; it gives him something else to think about while he's learning not to think about things.
Is Ione there yet with the mirror, Conspiracy? Longer delays make it more likely that somebody's trying to emergency-instruct her about what to do if Keltham sends her with on the Teleport - not that this is Keltham's real plan - that thought was itself an attempted distraction, of course -
Ione was told to fetch a mirror and come here as fast as possible, but also she's pretty sure Keltham's real plan doesn't involve Ione.
"Here with the requested mirror! Otherwise keeping quiet until Keltham says differently!"
She's quietly annoyed with how the Conspiracy has been mostly keeping her out of the loop on things, but can't deny that alterIone probably isn't being kept up-to-date on it and it probably helps with her reactions -
Oh, that's a nice military-grade mirror there. Keltham must've asked them for a scry, somewhere, and she'd bet he's got more in his quick-draw scabbard than just wandering around looking for anomalies.
"Thanks, Ione. Answer immediately, what were you thinking about between when you got the mirror request and when you arrived here?"
"Trying to figure out why you suddenly needed a mirror, obviously, which I now realize is to try to expand the range you can see while scrying on somebody carrying that mirror."
"Conspiracy's going to be casting a lot of illusions today. For all you know, it's harder to maintain a consistent illusion if the mirror has to be part of it. Or you were going to do something clever with the Law of Optics, that you hoped the people casting the illusion wouldn't know how to fake."
1.1x for Ordinary, those are high-quality speculations that Ione would be less likely to have come up with if Conspiracy knew why he wanted the mirror and was instead frantically briefing Ione on what to do if Teleported.
"Thanks. And, sorry, Conspiracy Ione. In the event you're an innocent caught up in all of this, somehow, I did try to figure out how to send you on this Teleport with a bag of money, but couldn't actually figure out how to do it in a way that didn't risk a bunch of gods or mercenaries descending on Ordinary Ione if Conspiracy Innocent Ione was given a real chance to escape."
She smiles. "I appreciate the thought," she says, just like alterIone would say it, and not like true-Ione would say it in a more heartfelt way.
Keltham will now head over to Lord Marshal Fennelosa, who he's about to send to AbsalomNidalWorldwoundOstenso and request permission to Prestidigitate some writing onto whatever Fennelosa happens to be wearing.
" - sure." He's wearing an obviously magical silk cloak and obviously magical robes, both of them dirty, the cloak slightly bloody.