"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
Prediction, Keltham runs out in the middle of Maillol talking to check on whether we're still there and doing anything suspicious.
"There's an obvious theory about why you're asking for a scroll of Detect Intelligence. I'll get you one, it shouldn't be hard to find."
"The spell Sevar cast is second-circle, not third-circle, and is one of a class of spells useful for detecting things that might be trying to hide from you -"
"I feel obliged to note that I did in fact predict your suddenly running over to check on us, though only after I left the room and had a second to think, and so did Conspiracy Asmodia."
"I'm predicting you doing it a second time too, though less so now that it's pretty clear the Conspiracy is prepared."
Still 1.05x favoring Ordinary. They shouldn't get caught that easily, but then Conspiracy isn't perfect, on the surviving probability mass for it.
"Thanks for being frank, whichever Asmodia."
"I've been trying to figure out how she feels about you emotionally and I genuinely have no idea."
"Iiiii know exactly how hypothetical Conspiracy Carissa feels about you but maybe that's something to tell you after you're done with all this."
"Neither of you necessarily have Conspiracy emotional makeup that is anything remotely like your actual - never mind, Maillol is in the middle of saying something."
"The spell I'd guess you're actually thinking of is third-circle Detect Intentions and classified. Detect Intelligence is the second-circle wizard imitation version that just detects minds nearby and reads off their Intelligence level."
"Not without a more serious political fight. I admit I don't understand why it would be important for you to verify that it exists now that I've told you about it. Or are you thinking of ordering Sevar to fail her Will Save about it?"
"Some versions of the Conspiracy are trying to make me believe they have mindreading capabilities when in fact they don't."
"I have one Security on staff who's authorized to use that and keeps a spell slot open. I can order him to prepare Detect Intentions in about thirty minutes, and he can try it on you briefly." In the form of Detect Thoughts with a metamagic Extend Duration on it, which will make the spell visibly third-circle. "You'll need to deliberately fail a Will Save, which should also let you verify that it would take a substantially more powerful caster than him to try reading you without you noticing."
"There's more powerful mindreading spells but those would be harder to prove things to you about."
Keltham doesn't try to explain that he has only their word for it that they can't deliberately cast weaker versions of spells - to make it feel like he'd have an easier time resisting, or to make the spell more detectable, than it would be unmodified. Maillol isn't Asmodia.
"Asmodeus's orders not a problem?"
Fuck you too, kid.
"The kind of precautions He required around this sort of thing are noticeably less strict than for Contessa Lrilatha using mind-control on you, yes. You understand what's going to happen, you asked it for a reason that sure doesn't look coerced, that satisfies His restrictions" namely none.
It is not done lightly to lie about what Asmodeus has commanded regarding someone, and what impinges on His honor one does not lie about at all; but misleading truths are in His nature and reputation already.
"Okay, let's do that." Them having a totally innocuous Detect Intelligence spell they can exhibit to him undoes some of the earlier updates that formed his previous prior about Conspiracy, around 3x worth of it, if real.
"Carissa, according to you, is it usually possible to take a spell that'd ordinarily be powerful, and cast it in a weaker way that would deceive somebody about how easy it was to make their save against that?"