"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
"He has only our word that a Greater Scry can't follow through a Teleport and covering up that with an illusion of somebody horseback riding does not sound hard."
" - it obviously can't follow through a teleport because the tricky part of the scaffold is the scrying sensor you're projecting which behaves as a physical object at some distance from the target on the other end, if you wanted it to follow through a teleport you'd need the sensor to be physically continuous with the subject. - sorry Keltham, I don't expect you to believe that, I'm just going to find the day very unpleasant if I have to treat all magic as an ineffable black box we can only learn about by asking questions of hostile entities."
"That's one of the actual reasons why Asmodia was augmented to run the Conspiracy once they found out about Law of Probability. Asmodia is good specifically at perspective-taking-on-ignorance and model-checking."
"Sustaining a Major Image for an extended period - I mean, it was mentally taxing, but that spell has a long range, so I don't see how I prevent somebody from staying out of range of any detection means I have, and just modifying what the scry shows. I'd be trying to find an inconsistency in whatever they were showing me, and while I do know some things they wouldn't, I'm still very ignorant of Golarion..."
And he can't think in advance of what those inconsistencies might be, because he's up against mindreaders.
Still, the more time they have to prepare, the worse.
He can't visit Ostenso today: 3:1 for Conspiracy... no, they claimed he'd be able to visit it tomorrow. That's more like 2:1, or even 1.5:1, depending on how vast and complicated the place actually looks tomorrow...
Of course that's assuming the real plan isn't for them to prep spells tomorrow for bringing out the high-amperage batteries on mind control, which is expensive enough that they didn't want to do it before now when they could always do it later and only if required.
He should keep an eye out for other signs that they want to delay him only until tomorrow morning.
"Is it possible for me to decide a target at the last minute, and then somebody Teleports there and the Greater Scry spell finishes focusing on them once they're there?"
(Asmodia wants to say something about how Conspiracy Asmodia should be sent there, where she can't secretly run her game against Keltham too; it would give alterAsmodia a chance to also say she might really be rationalizing the whole thing and really wanted to go look at exotic places. But Asmodia is not sure alterAsmodia truly has the same thought, and by now alterAsmodia is probably taking this pretty seriously.)
"That works fine. - uh, if I have a thought that you will learn more from if you think of it rather than me suggesting it, but that would require the High Priest doing something in advance so it does work out if you do think of it, would you prefer I pass him a note, or just say it, or do nothing?"
"Because if I think of it, it was more narrowly determined than if you suggested it to me? Sure, pass him a note."
"Yes, that's right."
And she writes out 'the person you send off to Teleport should be Worldwound-cleared and have live clearances for the Nidal front in case he orders them to either of those places' and hands the note to Maillol.
"Should I look at that so I don't say it to Keltham? Nothing obvious is coming to my own mind for what could be written there."
She will.
"Oh. Huh. Interesting implied hypothesis about what Keltham would be thinking. This is a good idea, Keltham, you should try harder than I did to have a good idea. Let me know if I should not have said it that way and I'll update."
"Nah, telling me to have a good idea is allowed by 'securitymindset'."
"All right, next episode, get somebody in to get ready to Teleport, and somebody to run Greater Scry on them. I also want a regular scry, to be done after another Teleport, it may not last as long but it'll give me a backup option." He's trying not to evaluate either of his options there. "Maillol, ETA on that? Also, same trip, I request a scroll of whatever Carissa used to detect my Intelligence as 18 at the Worldwound."
"If you're willing to pay for them, I can send a messenger immediately and they can teleport back with the scrolls in five to ten minutes. If you want Cheliax to pay for them, an argument happens first and creates a delay, the system is not set up for me to suddenly requisition a Greater Scry scroll on a nonemergency basis, and declaring an emergency here would go politically odd."
"You okay with 75% Project budget, 25% my personal account to show I take it seriously, 4000gp spending cap?"
"Make it so. Oh, and please also make sure that recording is set up around me, and that transcripts will be available to me later today, so I can review events afterwards." They can try to edit those, obviously, but it'd be a risky game for them.
"Before that. Sevar, Asmodia, out of this room for one minute. I've got a question for Keltham... above their paper classification level which nobody has really gotten around to raising but never mind."
"Okay, I'll affirm that," questions of whether that was more likely in Conspiracy, to give them a chance to perform some action out of his vision, on hold pending what Maillol says.
Prediction, Keltham runs out in the middle of Maillol talking to check on whether we're still there and doing anything suspicious.
"There's an obvious theory about why you're asking for a scroll of Detect Intelligence. I'll get you one, it shouldn't be hard to find."
"The spell Sevar cast is second-circle, not third-circle, and is one of a class of spells useful for detecting things that might be trying to hide from you -"
"I feel obliged to note that I did in fact predict your suddenly running over to check on us, though only after I left the room and had a second to think, and so did Conspiracy Asmodia."
"I'm predicting you doing it a second time too, though less so now that it's pretty clear the Conspiracy is prepared."
Still 1.05x favoring Ordinary. They shouldn't get caught that easily, but then Conspiracy isn't perfect, on the surviving probability mass for it.
"Thanks for being frank, whichever Asmodia."