"That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
-- P. C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask.
Nothing, which is evidence against naive Conspiracy, because naive Conspiracy sets Carissa up to ask that only if they've got some startling revelation planned. Competent Conspiracy knows how Keltham will evaluate it. Though you would think the Conspiracy would be competent, they've got a Probability-aware Carissa and Asmodia now, even if they didn't have them before.
"Not... actually the kind of suspicion I had in mind, though I guess it could help on having context for where this came from. More like, there's some other reason you had to get me out of my bedroom, couldn't tell me why, 'Rovagug cultists' are the excuse because that's what squares with the story about how this place is protected from gods..."
"No," says Elias Abarco flatly. And then, with a sigh, " - if ordered to let you go into the room that the Rovagug cultists are going to arrive in soon of course I will do so but my strong professional recommendation is that you stay here. If a place is known dangerous you can simply be nowhere near it."
"Okay, let's run over right now to take a look, run back, I just don't want to fight my brain about this." It would've been better if he thought of it, instead of Carissa, but he probably wouldn't have.
"Do it, Abarco." And get Keltham's things out of his bedroom, very quickly, though they'll have to put them back afterwards.
With visible irritation Elias Abarco opens the door of the safe room and stands aside.
Keltham's bedroom has several Security in it who've cleared it of his possessions and are double-checking they didn't miss anything. Nothing else is up.
He'll trudge on back to the saferoom, moving quickly. He feels a little better, but not very much. It's probably the combination of being woken up before dawn, and having to fight what seems like an impossible-to-actually-win battle about the possibility that nothing around him is real, where even if that were true, he wouldn't know where to look, to make it all fall apart, to have it be revealed that none of the happiness he thinks he's winning is really his, or that this isn't what happens to Lost Dead people after all.
He'll probably feel better after he makes up for lost sleep, if he can.
Nidal launches a massive desperation assault, targeting the wedge of Chelish forces near the Kintargo front, Black Triune come forth at last.
Aspexia Rugatonn is ready for them, as are some non-Chelish ninth-circles with very old grudges.
Late that night, when all of them are low on spells, they get a panicked message from the commander of the second-to-easternmost Chelish fortress at the Worldwound. One of their patrols reported they'd been injured and were going to overnight at the most easternmost Chelish fortress at the Worldwound.
Routine evening communications with that fortress failed entirely. Its Wardstone is still holding - the lack of that would be obvious - but that might not be true for much longer.
General Gorthoklek will obviously send a major investigation, in force, immediately.
A pit fiend never runs low on self-teleportation.
There are a bunch of cheerful paladins manning the fortress! They explain that nearly all the Chelish soldiers decided to renounce Asmodeanism, atone, and leave the Worldwound to live a better life elsewhere; of course, they didn't want to desert their posts, so they asked if the Iomedaeans would be willing to cover for them until the handoff to a new batch of Chelish soldiers could be arranged, which the Iomedaens gladly agreed to!
They are happy to swear to this.
"I shall stand here wasting my time until you are ready to make constructive suggestions, then."
"This has to be related to Project Lawful in some way. Everything odd that has happened in the last three months has been related to Project Lawful in some way. The question is how."
"Iomedae did, in fact, see something in Peranza's mind for deconverting Asmodeans, which She was permitted to inform her worshippers about?"