Here is Flicker again and one of, although possibly not all of, Alli. "All right, we're all set, unless you want to bring - Rush, I guess we'll have to start calling her?"
"She'll want to come, I think," agrees Conduit dryly. She opens a portal to her sister and sticks her head through. She could twine her, but this is for her sister's travel convenience. "Hey, we have alternate universe selves with magic and they've shown up. Want to come meet some of them?"
Savannah zips through the portal at superspeed.
"Yes," she says, immediately.
"Hi, Rush, your alts will be so pleased to meet you." He does not add 'especially if you can tweak that trick so you vibrate'. "I'm a Bell, call me Revelation, this is Revival, my girlfriend."
"Hello! Rush..? Oh, nicknames, got it, alternate universes and comic book shit. Yeah, that's the one you should go with for me, I already use it here. Occasionally." She bounces a little. "Can I meet my alts?"
"Yes, but I have to microchip you first. You too, Alli - you keep inanimate objects when you split?"
"Yeah. Wow, that would be pretty terrible if I didn't, like, hello, embarrassing."
"That would be pretty bad. But you could keep sets of clothes in certain places and only split there?"
"Whatever, not a thing I have to deal with. The wings are cool, do they work? Bella can only fake-fly."
"Anyway yeah go ahead gimme a chip thing to go through the wall."
Conduit looks around in wonder.
"... I see you've used the ability to make and change things quite well, nicely done," she says.
"That would be Path and I. Hello! We are birds and also their souls."
"Also, don't go to Chamomile unless you want a soul-animal. Cypress has gone thoroughly native but the rest of us avoid it."