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Vanda Nosseo deals with Sesat
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"...depends on why they're inconvenient."


"If they'd... complicate the otherwise reasonably straightforward question of who's authorized to make decisions in a government, or they're difficult to imprison safely, or they've expressed that they don't want to be resurrected, those would be plausible reasons for them to stay dead. If no one requests them, or no one who requests them can afford it even with charitable assistance, then they will also stay dead, but not because anyone asked for them to. If someone, uh, seems somewhat too invested in a particular person staying dead, that might provoke investigation in case they, say, murdered the dead person."


"Well. I'll just hope she's alive, then. Anyway, any chance you can come up with some excuse for why no one from Sesat should be granted a restraining order for a while?"


"Not... likely," says Tarwë, after thinking for a moment. "I can't think of any precedent for it."


"Also, I'm going to have a harder time spinning anything usefully once people notice that you've set things up so that none of us can rightly qualify for the teleport. And by harder I mean it might actually be impossible. Not that that's something a short-term delay can fix."


"Why is the teleport so important to you?"


"...Well, Nelen did just explain to me that the people in Vanda Nossëo with the ability to object to the peal's actions are the teleporters, so that certainly makes it much worse, but really any obviously important and powerful magic would be a problem."


"The - ability to object? -"


"...Is it not the case that, if the peal starts doing terrible things, you'd rely on your teleporters to help people escape and their resignations would interfere with things and so on?"


"They'd certainly be important, but one could also appeal to the Valar or escape in worldleapers or lightleapers."


"I am not a Vala. Do you sell worldleapers or lightleapers on the open market?"


"Lightleapers yes, worldleapers not really but I imagine you could get one from a demon, the trouble with them is that they can't target so you'd be fleeing to a random location."


"So they're only useful if the peal is bad enough to be worth risking landing on an Arda or something."


"The real problem would be a Materia-type world, there are no undiscovered Ardas adjacent to the map because we check for them."


"You'd have to go two hops out anyway, just to escape, right?"


"To be meaningfully inconvenient to chase down, yes, to be out of peal jurisdiction, no, but I suppose whether you can settle for that depends on how awful they were being."


Feris raises an eyebrow. "If I trusted them to abide by the fiction that anyone they can reach is permitted independence I would hardly need to run."


"I think there might be gradations of - that's a tangent. The teleport is symbolically important under conditions where you feel cornered, I can understand that. I can put out a notice that the restraining orders are - disproportionately popular for cultural reasons - and people working with former slaves may prefer to encourage them to disappear into the multiverse and forget all about what happened to them here rather than proactively suggesting restraining orders. I don't think I can actually make them impossible to get."


"...If it's the best you can do it's the best you can do."


"I'm sorry."


"What will you do if I stop being available?"


"What do you want me to do?"


"...What I'd want would depend on why it happened, but I don't think what you'd want would depend on that, so you probably don't actually want my advice. Resurrect me, maybe."


"I can do that."

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