Bruce has run out of homework, all too soon as usual, and is now out of distractions, so he's sitting at his desk watching the rain run down the window and dreading Hell.

Knowing his fate is what he deserves doesn't make it any easier to cope with. It just makes him a fugitive from justice, another sin added to the pile. The biggest one of all, really. If he could accept God's goodness, could trust in Him, could actually believe deep down that God was good and ask His mercy with a contrite heart, it would all be forgiven. But when he looks inside himself for that love and that trust, it isn't there. He wishes he could just be erased from the universe, and this too is a sin, ingratitude for the gift of his life, and he wishes it anyway and he probably always will.

The rain gets louder, and the thunder follows faster on the lightning's heels, and yet faster, and when the fire brigade searches the wreckage of the house they find no sign of Bruce. His parents weep, but gently, for they shall surely see their son again in Heaven.