"Oh, hey! You're in here! Hi!"
"Bella's the smart one," says Alli in a loud stage whisper.
"So's Adana," replies Savannah, in the same stage whisper. Then she snickers. "Anyway, hi! I guess we can talk about homecoming now!"
"Yeah, never mind that," says Alli brightly. "Bella's never even been to a dance before, it's way more important."
"Specifically, if I try to dance before I get my basics I will break my neck, but anyway, Savannah, Adana gave me your number. We live pretty nearby, are you day students or overnighters?"
"Yup, she told me. Day students, Ada and I don't actually live nearby but we're us, so it doesn't quite matter as much."
Bella laughs. "Right, I should've thought of that. Are you also the sister-shaped homecoming dance limo or should I be thinking about asking our mom for a ride or what? Alli is planning to ask upperclassmen boys until one agrees to be her ticket in."
"Cute upperclass boys. If I run out of cute ones I'll just stay home."
"Sister-shaped homecoming dance limo. Sorry, I won't be serving drinks."
"En Español, Senorita Swan," chides the teacher.
"Perdóname," says Bella.
She gets chided by the teacher, shortly after.
Except someone is extremely good at passing notes. Savannah is going to use this.
Adana rolls her eyes, but accepts, and a little note lands from a tiny portal onto Bella's desk while the teacher isn't looking.
"Are we coordinating dress colors, am I going to be in a tux, or what?"
And then she sets it on an empty corner of her desk.
Okay! says the note. Cool or dark colors it is. I'm sure you'll look pretty in it no matter what.
Spanish. Fascinating. (No it isn't.)
Then they don't have class together because there are not meaningfully different levels of skill in high school art class. Then the Swans have to take the bus and the other pair do not.
But oh look, next Spanish class - cute white flower, on Bella's seat. It's not particularly expensive, but - definitely a flower.
Savannah winks.
Bella laughs and tucks it into her hair. She manages - in passable if vocabularically constrained Spanish, to avoid antagonizing the teacher - "My mom will want to say hi when you come for the dance."
Savannah nods. "Sure," she agrees in just as constrained Spanish. "It'll be fun!"