There appears, quite unaccountably, a young man with a head injury.
The factory foreman has a four-bedroom unit in a duplex with a shared driveway; when he gets home there's a car parked in it, and he knocks on the neighbor's door to demand they move it. This descends into a shouting match about whose fault it is that the dogs got out of the backyard.
He remembers Kyeo a couple minutes later. "Kid! Lemme show you the guest room. I'm not sure there are sheets on the bed, and I feel like you're constantly judging us, but whatever, good deed's a good deed."
The guest room has a queen bed that's indeed presently sheetless, and a closet full of ski gear.
Huh. Maybe while the clothes are in the washing machine Kyeo will see if he can figure out how to fix the dryer. He has nothing else to do.
Well if he can see how to detach and reattach that he will empty the lint into the nearest trash receptacle.
His host finds him at it a while later. He has a beer can in one hand and a woman behind him in a bright pink sundress, with a fairly horrendous tan. "This is Cherry. Cherry, this is Kyeo, he's crashing in the guest room until he gets his first paycheck. He's from Ibyabek, he's used to working on spaceships."
"Huh," Cherry says. "Well I wouldn't have guessed it'd take a spaceship engineer to fix the dryer."
"I coulda fixed it, I'd just rather not."
"I'm not an engineer, I'm in the military, but I've done some spaceship assembly work before."