Eserik hates his job.

He shouldn't. He gets to fly around the void, not fighting Sith, not dealing with the Council's banthashit, just following the raw whims and exhortations of the Force. But - every time he finds a Force-sensitive, he feels like he's condemning them to the same endless war he's managed to escape. Like he's tossing children into the maw of the great beast chasing him down.

Oh, look, an eddy in the Force that he can follow to get away from that thought. His ship is a top-of-the-line scouter; the Council spares no expense, as usual. It turns on a dime and hurtles through the black towards - a little blue-green dot. Nitrogen-oxygen garden world. Satellites, but no space traffic. Interesting.

He approaches slowly, but not timidly. The Force is with him.