The third planet of this sun has lights on the night side, and radio chatter.
If that is what they wish, they will be the Greens.
Names are very important. Can this Green speak for all Greens?
The name will be tentative for now then.
I am getting irritated and may leave (to his ship, not offplanet) soon. It is nothing in particular you are doing, I am allergic? to potential threats.
That is understandable though they'd like to know how they can avoid seeming threatening to alien body language parsing in the future!
That's totally fair. They will let all their neighbors know that this should be a one boat at a time situation.
That is for the best. Draak are solitary.
He retreats to the ship for a while - hours.
When he comes back out, perhaps whoever is there if-it's-not-the-same-person can explain how federations work? The Kin have one planetwide federation that almost never does things, or none at all, depending on how you look at things.
There is one boat there and it's a different person.
A federation is when a bunch of political units form a sort of club; it's a step up from a peace agreement or even an alliance, where they allow more interdependence and cultural blending between certain polities in order to collect some mostly-economic benefits from doing so.
Draak... Barely do politics compared to Greens, he is getting the sense. There are a few respected experts in this or that, people with better reputations, but that seems much more individual and informal than a 'federation'.
Aside from the extremely rare Moots, they have no government and no enforcement save fear for one's reputation. The rules of Tradition thus are not laws in the sense of being enforced by a formal political body, more of an informal social contract.
He would like to hear what a typical Green's life is like, to try and understand them.
Well, the details vary a lot, but generally people are born to married parents and have some number of siblings and alloparents and allosiblings (sometimes one or more of those numbers are zero), with whom they live, and they learn stuff, sometimes in a school or alacarte lessons or just ambiently from reading and existing, and they might move out when they're getting to the point where their relationship with their parents needs to transition to a less premised-on-childhood form and distance will help with that, and then move back in or form their own household unit as the case may be. Most adults take some kind of remunerative work sometimes but the amount of time spent on that as opposed to on domestic maintenance/organization/caretaking varies.
Draak-Kin mature for 4-5 years in an egg, becoming conscious and telepathic during the final year. One parent teaches them while still in the egg and leaves before they hatch. After they hatch, they are on their own to thrive or fail, and will usually stick to where their parents put them for a decade or two before adolescence. Life milestones tend to come with long periods of hibernation. They usually fight or challenge other kids for territory and to prove themselves, and eventually settle in for the long term in whatever territory they ended up with and then spend most of their time on their interests. The line for adulthood is being able to fly.
But that all seems kind of vague. On both sides. Perhaps they should try a specific example?
Sure. This specific Green grew up with his moms and a friend of theirs who donated sperm and that guy's best friend, and he has four siblings (one from the other mom), and he moved out for a year when he was 16 and then came back for three years and then moved out again to be closer to his job and then got married and put down roots and currently lives with his wife and her sister and his three kids and a friend of one of the kids who drifted into their household due to preferring not to live with his own.